Jared Masters Quartz Vein Easter Evil White Slaves of K-Town Agalmatophilia Amethyst Quartz Vein Quartz Vein Club Lingerie Slink Deadly Punkettes Big Hair, Long Lashes Big Hair, Long Lashes Roller Junkies! Roller Junkies! Roller Junkies! Slink After School Massacre Easter Evil Easter Evil Ballet of Blood Ballet of Blood 8 Reels of Sewage 8 Reels of Sewage 8 Reels of Sewage Deadly Punkettes Deadly Punkettes After School Massacre Amethyst The Pleasure Girl Gang Absolute Vow Absolute Vow Absolute Vow Hollywood a GoGo Hollywood a GoGo Hollywood a GoGo The Nightgown The Nightgown Club Lingerie Deadly Punkettes Agalmatophilia Agalmatophilia Agalmatophilia Amethyst Amethyst Michael & Michael Have Issues