Im Westen nichts Neues 2022
De 17-jarige Paul gaat in de Eerste Wereldoorlog naar het westfront, maar zijn enthousiasme maakt al vlug plaats voor de harde realiteit van het leven in de loopgraven.
De 17-jarige Paul gaat in de Eerste Wereldoorlog naar het westfront, maar zijn enthousiasme maakt al vlug plaats voor de harde realiteit van het leven in de loopgraven.
Enkele jaren na de gebeurtenissen uit de eerste film is het Jaegerprogramma ten prooi gevallen aan corruptie en zijn de massavernietigingswapens in verkeerde handen gevallen. De machine Gipsy Avenger is hiervan een voorbeeld.
De huidige, moderne wereld bezit vele geheimen. Het meest verbazingwekkende geheim is dat heksen nog steeds onder de mensen leven en van plan zijn een dodelijke plaag op de mensheid los te laten.
In deze documentaire vertellen piloten zelf over een bommenwerper uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog die een cruciale rol heeft gespeeld bij het verslaan van nazi-Duitsland.
They are the high-flying pride of the U.S. military, one-of-a-kind warriors that, over the decades, collectively revolutionized aerial warfare. Through rare, archival footage and compelling testimonies, meet the men and women who fly and maintain these Air Warriors and see how they've overcome incredible obstacles to rule the sky.
On 8th October 1941, Stalin issued a secret order forming a female aviation unit.
Dallas Campbell and Dr Hannah Fry investigate what it takes to get a million people and their luggage off the ground and up in the air. From building the world's biggest passenger plane to navigating through the busiest airport on the planet, to the perils of getting airborne in the coldest city on earth - Dallas and Hannah go to extremes to get under the skin of the remarkable story of departure. You will never look at flying in the same way again.
Series which celebrates an unlikely story of outstanding British aviation achievement at a time of national austerity, the breathtaking planes that were built and the remarkable men who flew them.
In this five-part series, comedy legend Sir David Jason hits the West Coast of the USA. He’s on a revealing and entertaining journey of a lifetime by planes, trains and automobiles, discovering the machines that made America and changed the world.
The joy of a very British hobby, brought to you by Peter Snow and his team, revealing the hidden histories, engineering marvels and true pleasures of plane spotting... live!
Follow a group of officers on the Advanced Flight Training Program as they look to become elite strike fighter pilots.
Through the eyes of the heroes, experience realistic mid-air combat and see revealing interviews with the last surviving WWII veterans in War Heroes Of The Skies. From the WWII aircrew officer who doused a fire on the wing of his aircraft while 20,000 ft in the sky, to the phantom fighter pilot who took out four MiGs over Vietnam in the most celebrated dog fight of the modern era. Presented by Lord Ashcroft, these are all stories of superhuman endurance, selfless courage and heroism beyond the call of duty. Using vintage aircraft such as Spitfires fighters and Lancaster bombers, aerial stunt teams and state-of-the-art camera technology, the series brings to life the exploits of the world's greatest military air heroes. The series features realistic mid-air combat sequences, revealing interviews with the last surviving veterans, rare archive footage and cutting-edge CGI to transport viewers back in time to experience the reality of air combat.
Documentary series exploring what happens when flights lose control.