Jakten på lykke

Jakten på lykke 2006


Chris Gardner er en oppegående familiefar som sliter med å få endene til å møtes. Han gjør tapre forsøk på å løse det konstante økonomiske presset de lever under, men uten hell. Til slutt orker ikke kona Linda lenger, og forlater ektemannen og deres femårige sønn Christopher . Selgeren, og nå alenefaren Chris søker hele tiden etter en bedre lønnet jobb og bruker alle triks i boka. Etter hvert får han en ulønnet traineestilling i et anerkjent aksjemeglingsfirma, og håper at han til slutt ender opp med en fast jobb og dermed en lysere framtid for han selv og familien. Til tross for alle problemene gir ikke Chris opp jakten på lykke. Han er en hengiven og kjærlig far for sin fem år gamle sønn og skåner ham så godt han bare kan.


Avicii - I'm Tim

Avicii - I'm Tim 2024


Før Avicii var det Tim. Det genierklært musikktalentet forteller med egne ord hvordan han ble en av de viktigste artistene av sin generasjon.


Wu-Tang: An American Saga

Wu-Tang: An American Saga 2019


In the early 1990s in New York, during the height of the crack cocaine epidemic, a visionary musician named Bobby Diggs aka The RZA begins to form a super group of a dozen young, black men, who will eventually rise to become one of the unlikeliest success stories in American music history.


Space Brothers

Space Brothers 2012


When they were young, the brothers Mutta and Hibito promised each other they would become astronauts. Now, in 2025, Hibito has followed his dream to become the first Japanese on the moon, but Mutta has just been fired from his job. His brother reminds him of their childhood promise, and Mutta decides once again to aim for space.


Pawa Meri: Role Models to Inspire

Pawa Meri: Role Models to Inspire 2014


Pawa Meri (Powerful Women) is a six-part documentary series portraying the lives of six Papua New Guinean women who have each achieved extraordinary things in life. The women come from diverse backgrounds and represent a variety of themes relevant to development in PNG.


First Flights with Kate Broug

First Flights with Kate Broug 2024


Join pilot and journalist Kate Broug for a global adventure that brings to life the extraordinary individuals and audacious achievements that have defined the world of flight.



Becoming 2020


The origin stories of 10 athletes, entertainers, and musicians. Each episode centers around a visit to the celebrity’s hometown, touring important locations central to their upbringing. A supporting cast of family members, coaches, teachers, mentors and friends are interviewed, sharing rarely heard anecdotes and insights into the star’s “becoming” story.


How to Be Behzinga

How to Be Behzinga 2020


Once a poster boy for poor health, Ethan Payne (aka Behzinga) has turned his life around. His biggest challenge yet, the London Marathon, has been cancelled- so what will he do next?