Austin Powers: Agenten som kom ut av fryseren

Austin Powers: Agenten som kom ut av fryseren 1997


En 1960-talls hipster-hemmelig agent er brakt ut av nedfrysning for å bekjempe sin største fiende på 1990-tallet, hvor hans sosiale holdninger er tydelig malplassert.


The Long Firm

The Long Firm 2004


The lives of characters who live, love and suffer through their association with the charismatic charms of gangster Harry Starks.


Licensed by Royalty

Licensed by Royalty 2003


Jack Hofner and Rowe Rikenbacker are Cloud 7's L/R. Their job is to protect the Royal family of Ishtar, their treasures, and their reputation. Jack & Rowe face one of the toughest missions of their career when they are assigned to protect Noelle, a candidate for the 15 Year Princess contest. It starts out simple, but soon all of Cloud 7 are involved in a web of intrigue that includes bombings, corruption and murder.