White Chicks

White Chicks 2004


To svarte FBI-agenter som skal beskytte to vakre kvinnelige arvinger, må forkle seg som dem for å avverge et kidnappingsforsøk.


Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina 2012


Den ulykkelige aristokraten Anna Karenina står overfor store forandringer i Russland sent på 1800-tallet, og innleder et kjærlighetsforhold til en rik greve i denne tolkningen av Leo Tolstoys klassiske roman.



Sabrina 1995


Sabrina Fairchild er ulykkelig. Helt siden tenårene har hun vært forelsket i rikmanns-sønnen David, og det ser ikke ut til at hun får gjengjeldt sine følelser. Kanskje ikke så rart, for hun er "bare" datteren til sjåføren i huset. Derfor blir hun sendt avgårde til Paris, siden faren synes hun trenger å komme seg vekk fra det hele. Mens hun er borte blir David forelsket i en vakker dame, som tilfeldigvis også er datteren til en annen forretningsmagnat. Dette liker virkelig David´s eldre bor Linus svært godt. Han ser for seg fusjon av de to familiebedriftene dersom David gifter seg. Det hele ser ut til å gå som planlagt helt til Sabrina kommer tilbake fra Paris - som en vakker om blomstrende kvinne. Dette ser også David, og Linus ser familieplanene gå rett vest. Derfor går han selv inn for å sjarmere Sabrina, bare for å droppe henne når forretningene er i havn. Spørsmålet er om ikke også Linus må bøye av for kjærligheten en eller annen gang.



Revenge 2011


When Emily Thorne moves to the Hamptons, everyone wonders about the new girl, but she knows everything about them, including what they did to her family. Years ago, they took everything from her. Now, one by one, she's going to make them pay.


Two Steps from Heaven

Two Steps from Heaven 2016


Sheldon Chun, Sean Fung, and Tim Yau are a high profile trio in the public relations industry who frequently socializes with high society, enjoying a lifestyle of glitz and glamour. It comes to a point where principles no longer matter as they claw their way to the top. However, the higher they climb, the more they lose sight of themselves. Eventually, they forsake everything, including their families, loved ones, friends, and worst of all - their dignity.


The Buccaneers

The Buccaneers 2023


A group of fun-loving American girls burst onto the scene in tightly corseted 1870s London, kicking off an Anglo-American culture clash. Sent to secure husbands and status, the buccaneers' hearts are set on much more than that.


Made in Heaven

Made in Heaven 2019


The story of two wedding planners in Delhi, where tradition jostles with modern aspirations against the backdrop of big fat Indian weddings revealing many secrets and lies.


Another Period

Another Period 2015


Set at the turn of the century, “Another Period” follows the misadventures of the Bellacourts, Newport, RI’s first family, who have absolutely nothing to offer to the world, but who have so much money it doesn’t matter. The series focuses on sisters “Lillian” and “Beatrice”, who care only about how they look, what parties they attend and becoming famous, which is a lot harder in 1902.


The Buccaneers

The Buccaneers 1995


Because of their "new money" background, four American girls have difficulty breaking into the upper-crust society of New York. Laura Testvalley, the governess of one of the girls, suggests a London season and thus the young women set sail for England and the unsuspecting English aristocracy. In England, all the girls soon find eligible husbands and the youngest girl, Nan, seems to land the best husband of them all: the handsome and very wealthy Julius, Duke of Trevennick. The girls soon discover that English upper-class men are not at all what they expected and hoped for.