National Treasure

National Treasure 2004


Eventyreren og arkeologen Ben Gates (Nicholas Cage) er på jakt etter verdens største og mest myteomspunne gullskatt. Sporene leder til den amerikanske selvstendighetserklæringen, som skjuler en ledetråd i form av en hemmelig kode. Sammen med sin venn, dataeksperten Riley Poole (Justin Bartha), må Ben stjele Amerikas mest velbevoktede dokument, knekke koden, lure FBI og unngå å bli drept av en hensynsløs gangster. Men det viser seg snart at den første ledetråden ikke er den siste. Jon Turteltaubs "National Treasure er et moderne eventyr, fylt med action, dramatikk og humor. Filmen er producert av Jerry Brukheimer ("Pirates of the Caribbean" og "King Arthur").



Patrioten 2000


Den tidligere krigshelten Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson) har sverget på å aldri mer dra i krig - helt til uavhengighetskampen når fram til hans egen dør. Når den harde realiteten truer hans familie og han blir nødt til å sloss for å forsvare den, tar Martin igjen opp våpnene og gjør seg til leder for en modig opprørshær som sloss mot de velutrustede engelskmennene for å redde familien - og den unge nasjonens frihet.


The Young Rebels

The Young Rebels 1970


Idealistic Revolutionary War rebels harass the Redcoats in British-held Chester, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia in this adventure series which drew parallels with 1960s political activism.



Franklin 2024


In December 1776, Benjamin Franklin is world-famous for his electrical experiments. But his passion and power are put to the test when he embarks on a secret mission to France—with the fate of American independence hanging in the balance.


The American Revolution

The American Revolution 2014


Everyone knows the story of Paul Revere and his famous midnight ride to warn colonial forces of the British approach. But history books don't tell of the man who sent Revere on his mission: Joseph Warren, America's least remembered founding father. Uncover the forgotten history of Warren and stories of other unsung heroes in our fight for independence.



Washington 2020


The story of how a fatherless young soldier full of personal ambition becomes a leader of men willing to sacrifice all for the common cause. How a once-loyal British subject rises to battle an empire in a liberty-or-death campaign to forge a new nation. And then how, at the zenith of his power, the victorious general voluntarily steps down, becoming what King George III would call “the greatest man in the world.”


The American Revolution

The American Revolution 1970


The American Revolution was at once a war for independence, a war of conquest, a civil war, and a world war, fought by neighbors on American farms and between global powers an ocean or more away. It impacted millions from Vermont’s Green Mountains to the swamps of South Carolina, from Indian Country to the Iberian Peninsula. In defeating the British Empire and giving birth to a new nation, the American Revolution turned the world upside-down. Thirteen colonies on the Atlantic Coast united in rebellion, won their independence, and established a republic that still endures. The American Revolution, will present the story of the men and women of the Revolutionary generation, their humanity in victory and defeat, and the crisis that they lived through.