
Titanic 1997


De unge elskende Jack og Rose hvis sosiale status skiller dem ad, men som likevel finner hverandre ombord på jomfruturen til R.M.S Titanic, skipet som ikke kan synke. Men da luksusskipet kollderer med et isfjell i Nord Atlanteren, blir kjærlighetsaffæren snudd om til en dramatisk kamp for å overleve.


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman 2017


Før hun ble Wonder Woman var hun Diana, amasonenes prinsesse, opptrent til å være en uovervinnelig kriger. Diana vokste opp i et skjermet øyparadis. Når en amerikansk pilot krasjer på øya og forteller om en massiv konflikt i verden utenfor, forlater Diana hjemmet sitt, overbevist om at hun kan stoppe trusselen. I en krig sammen med menneskeheten for å gjøre slutt på alle kriger, kommer Diana til å oppdage sine fulle krefter ... og sin sanne skjebne.



1917 2019


Under første verdenskrig forsøker to britiske soldater å krysse fiendens linjer for å levere en melding som kan redde hundrevis av soldater – deriblant den enes bror.


Jungle Cruise

Jungle Cruise 2021


Jungle Cruise tar oss med på en berg-og-dalbane gjennom Amazonas jungel sammen med den smarte kapteinen Frank Wolff og den fryktløse forskeren Dr. Lily Houghton. Lily reiser fra London til Amazonas og hyrer inn Frank Wolff som guide på hans tvilsomme, men sjarmerende båt La Quila. Lily er fast bestemt på å finne legenden om et magisk tre som sies å ha helbredene krefter og som kan endre fremtiden for dagens medisin. Sammen drar de ut på et episk oppdrag hvor de møter utallige farer og overnaturlige krefter, og mens treets hemmeligheter kommer mer til syne innser de at deres og menneskehetens skjebne henger i en tynn tråd.


Atlantis - En forsvunnet verden

Atlantis - En forsvunnet verden 2001


Milo Thatch har hatt en drøm siden han var liten, å finne byen Atlantis, som på mystisk vis forsvant ned i havet. En dag tar professor Whitmore kontakt med unge Thatch og overrekker han «vokterens bok», i bytte mot å hjelpe dem på deres ferd mot å finne Atlantis, ettersom Milo er den eneste som kan det utdødde Atlantiske språket. Før Milo vet ord av det er han på båten med et mannskap Whitmore hyret til ekspedisjonen. Sammen med Dr. Sweet, mekanikerjenta Audrey og mange flere kjemper de seg igjennom en vanskelig vei, fylt med et urtidsmønster og mange skapninger før de endelig kommer frem til Atlantis. Her møter Milo den vakre prinsessen Kida, men oppdager at noen av de andre av mannskapet har andre planer med byen...



Aristokattene 1970


Duchess og hennes sjarmerende kattunger lever trygt hos den rike Madame Bonfamille til de en dag kidnappes av den gjerrige og sleipe butleren Edgar. Han forlater dem ensomme ute på landsbygda. Edgar vil nemlig ha arven som Madame har testamentert til kattene. Duchess og kattungene våkner opp redde, sultne og uten å vite hvor de er. Da dukker villkattenes konge Thomas O’Malley opp. På veien hjem til tryggheten møter de blant annet Scat Cat og hans kule jazzband som spiller så det virkelig svinger i "Alle ønsker at de var en katt, for en katt er alltid en katt for sin hatt".



Dumbo 2019


Tim Burtons 'Dumbo' bygger på historien som ble fortalt i Disneys animasjonsfilm med samme navn fra 1941. Eventyret til den flygende sirkuselefanten er tilbake. I et sirkus der det er vanskelig å løpe penger, fødes en veldig spesiell elefant. Den lille Dumbo har ører så store som seg selv, og han blir ledd av fordi han ikke ser ut som en vanlig elefant. Men når Milly og Joe, sirkuseierens barn, oppdager at Dumbo kan fly, endrer alt seg. Det er et enormt publikum som vil se den flygende sirkuselefanten, og en mann som heter V. A. Vandevere vil få Dumbo til å bli med som en del av sitt fantastiske "Drømmelandet". Men det imponerende "Drømmelandet" er ikke så fantastisk og eventyrlig som det først dukker opp.


Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins 1964


Mary Poppins er en mildt sagt noe uvanelig barnepike. Hun kan fly, trylle frem spennende ting ut av sin magiske veske og vet hvordan man gjør kjedelige plikter til en morsom lek. Man skulle kunne si at hun er ”praktisk talt perfekt”. Barna Michael og Jane elsker Mary fra første stund men deres pappa, den strenge bankdirektøren George, er ikke like begeistret. Han mener bestemt at barn skal oppdras med regler og disiplin og minst mulig tøys og tull!


Atlantis 2: Milos hjemkomst

Atlantis 2: Milos hjemkomst 2003


Tre forskjellige historier kommer til live i denne oppfølgeren til den populære animerte Disney -eventyren Atlantis. Oppdagelsesreisende Milo Thatch, hans nye kjæreste Dronning Kida og resten av teamet forbereder å gjenoppbygge den undersjøiske byen. Men når problemer dukker opp og utnytte kraften av krystallene av Atlantis. Må de sette ut en farlig eventyr for å forsvare sitt rike mot mørke krefter som truer fra sand, sjø og snø.


Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders 2013


A gangster family epic set in 1919 Birmingham, England and centered on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss Tommy Shelby, who means to move up in the world.


The Learning Curve of a Warlord

The Learning Curve of a Warlord 2018


During the chaotic Warlord Era, an eccentric soldier has a sudden stroke of luck and is promoted seven ranks to Marshal. He, along with his three silly friends, do all sorts of bizarre things. Meanwhile, externally, three wild warlords are eyeing him like a tiger. Internally, he doesn't know whether any of his three wives are spies. Ultimately, a battle for hegemony unfolds, with shells flying and dilemmas between friends.



Christy 1994


Christy is an American historical fiction drama series which aired on CBS from April 1994 to August 1995, for twenty episodes. Christy was based on the novel Christy by Catherine Marshall, the widow of Senate chaplain Peter Marshall. The novel had been a bestseller in 1968, and the week following the debut of the TV-movie and program saw the novel jump from #120 up to #15 on the USA Today bestseller list. Series regular Tyne Daly won an Emmy Award for her work on the series.



Gallipoli 2015


As dawn breaks on April 25, 1915, ANZAC troops go into battle on the beaches of the Gallipoli peninsula. Landing in the dark chaos, Tolly, Bevan and their mates struggle to establish a tenuous foothold on the treacherous slopes and deep ravines. They endure the next eight months on the peninsula learning lessons of survival. By the time of the final evacuation they have also learned the skills of combat and what it means to be a young man in war.


Doctor Zhivago

Doctor Zhivago 2002


Young and beautiful Lara is loved by three men: a revolutionary, a mogul, and a doctor. Their lives become intertwined with the drama of Russian revolution. Doctor Zhivago is still married when he meets Lara. Their love story is unfolding against the backdrop of revolution which affects the doctor's career, his family, and his love to Lara.



Anzacs 1985


Anzacs was a 1985 5-part Australian miniseries set in World War I. The series follows the lives of a group of young Australian men who enlist in the 8th Battalion of the First Australian Imperial Force in 1914, fighting first at Gallipoli in 1915, and then on the Western Front for the remainder of the war.


Titanic: Blood and Steel

Titanic: Blood and Steel 2012


Belfast, 1909. The Harland and Wolff shipyard has been handed the greatest project in its history. It will build a great, unsinkable ship. And it will be called the RMS Titanic.


Wounded Love

Wounded Love 2016


Azize finds herself with her 3 children and mother-in-law in a difficult fight. She raises her children while fighting the difficulties of the war period and her husband's absence whom she loves more than anything. It's about war, love, greed, treason and sacrifice.


Los Pincheira

Los Pincheira 2004


Four bandit siblings try to take revenge on the landowners who killed their father.


The Flame Trees of Thika

The Flame Trees of Thika 1981


Elspeth and her unconventional parents decide to settle down in Kenya and begin a coffee plantation. This is a time of discovery for Elspeth, as she encounters the incredible beauty and cruelty of nature, and new friendships with both Africans and British expatriates. A side plot involves the beautiful and bored British Lettice Palmer who enters into an affair with a handsome safari guide. Eventually, however, the excitement of Elspeth's life is disrupted by the onset of WW I, and the changes it brings.


Flowers in the Attic: The Origin

Flowers in the Attic: The Origin 2022


After a whirlwind romance, Olivia finds herself as the mistress of the imposing Foxworth Hall, where she soon discovers that the fairy tale life she expected has quickly become a nightmare.


The Village

The Village 2013


The Village tells the story of life in a Derbyshire village through the eyes of a central character, Bert Middleton.



Titanic 2012


A heart-wrenching journey through Titanic's last moments, featuring both fictional and historical characters, ranging from steerage passengers and crew to upper class guests and staff.



Nichols 1971


Nichols is an American Western television series starring James Garner broadcast in the United States on NBC during the 1971-72 season. Set the fictional town of Nichols, Arizona, in 1914, Nichols differed from traditional Western series of the era. The main character, a sheriff, rode on a motorcycle and in an automobile rather than on the traditional horse. The hero did not carry a firearm and was generally opposed to the use of violence to solve problems, preferring other means. Margot Kidder portrayed Ruth, the love interest/barmaid of Nichols.


Parade's End

Parade's End 2012


The story of a love triangle between a conservative English aristocrat, his mean socialite wife and a young suffragette in the midst of World War I and a Europe on the brink of profound change.



Birdsong 2012


As an English soldier fights in the horrific trenches of northern France, he is haunted by the memories of his forbidden love affair with a French woman.


Musée Éden

Musée Éden 2010


The story takes place in 1910 in Montreal, Quebec, while a killer terrorized the city. In the same period, Florence and Camille Courval, two sisters originating in French Manitoba inherit the Eden Museum, where statues of wax in connection with criminal news are housed.


The Last Place on Earth

The Last Place on Earth 1985


The Last Place on Earth is a 1985 Central Television seven part serial, written by Trevor Griffiths based on the book Scott and Amundsen by Roland Huntford. The book is an exploration of the expeditions of Captain Robert F. Scott and his Norwegian rival in polar exploration, Roald Amundsen in their attempts to reach the South Pole. The series ran for seven episodes and starred a wide range of UK and Norwegian character actors as well as featuring some famous names, such as Max von Sydow, Richard Wilson, Sylvester McCoy and Pat Roach. It also featured performances early in their careers by Bill Nighy and Hugh Grant. Subsequently Huntford's book was republished under the same name. The book put forth the point of view that Amundsen's success in reaching the South Pole was abetted by much superior planning, whereas errors by Scott ultimately resulted in the death of him and his companions.


The Passing Bells

The Passing Bells 2014


At the outbreak of World War I, two teenage boys - one German and one British - defy their parents to sign up. An epic historical drama spanning the five years of the First World War, as seen through the eyes of two ordinary young soldiers.


A Young Doctor's Notebook

A Young Doctor's Notebook 2012


A young doctor who has graduated at the top of his class from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry is thrust out into an isolated and impoverished country side as the village's only doctor. As he learns to adapt to his new lifestyle, he develops a morphine addiction to stay his sanity while realizing what being a doctor in the real world means.