Nøkkelord Cousin
Mon cousin 2020
My Cousin Vinny 1992
Vincent La Guardia Gambini har nettopp med nød og neppe bestått jusseksamen da fetteren hans William og kameraten ender opp i fengsel. De står anklaget for mord, og Vincent reiser øyeblikkelig til fengselcellen deres i Alabama for å ta saken deres. Tanken er god, men det eneste problemet er at Vincent sov seg gjennom studiene. Han aner ingenting om hvordan en rettssak foregår, og den mafiaaktige New York storbyslangen hans er langt fra populær i konservative Alabama. Kan han lære seg loven før alt håp er ute for William og Stanley?
Mary Queen of Scots 2018
Mary Stuart ble dronning av Frankrike i en alder av 16 år, men da hun ble enke kort tid senere vendte hun hjem igjen til Skottland, hvor hun hadde tilbrakt barndommen. Som eneste gjenlevende barn av James V, gjorde hun krav på den skotske tronen. Men hun siktet høyere enn det, og ble snart en trussel for sin slektning, Dronning Elizabeth I av England. Den historiske maktkampen, preget av konspirasjoner, begjær og tragedie, skildres i denne Oscar-nominerte filmen, med Saorise Ronanen (Lady Bird, Brooklyn) og Margot Robbie (I, Tonya) i hovedrollene.
Primos 2011
Coffee & Cigarettes 2004
Jim Jarmusch har satt sammen materiale som er spilt inn parallelt med hans øvrige filmer over en periode på 17 år. Resultatet er blitt en underfundig episodefilm bestående av ti scener med samtaler som dekker både tøys og dypsindigheter.
Greedy 1994
Primos 2019
What If 2013
Mi prima la sexóloga 2016
The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning 2007
Du glemmer aldri den første gangen! Møt tenåringene Bo og Luke Duke! De to lystige bråkmalæme er ute påprøve1øslatelse, og ankommer Hazzard County der de skal være under oppsyn av sin onkel, hjemmebrenneren Jesse. Boss Hogg (Christopher McDonald) har for vane å gjøre seg rikpå1okalbefolkning bekosming, men når han prøver å stjele Duke-farniliens gåId, går han for langt. Mens sJåssingen, tuJlballet, råkjøringen og latterlaampene øker i volum, forvandles guttenes kusine Daisy (April Scott) fra blyg bondepike til Hazzads heiteste babe, og det legendariske kjøretøyet General Lee blir virkelighet mens gutta gir gass for å holde Hogg og assistentene hans bak seg.Nå står du på startstreken til sagaen om Duke-familien. Her baller det på seg med latterbrøl og spenning i lynets hastighet!
Contes immoraux 1974
My Girl 2 1994
Tarzan Escapes 1936
Les Cousins 1959
Los tres García 1947
Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl 2011
The story revolves around a highschool boy named Niwa Makoto. He lives with his aunt's family since his parents are away on business. It is there where he meets his mysterious cousin of the same age Touwa Erio — who happens to tie a futon mattress around her upper body and is a self-proclaimed alien. Her staple food is pizza. Erio had been missing for half a year and was found floating in the sea. She doesn't remember anything about what happened during that period of time, but she began to think that it was the act of an alien and wanders the neighbourhood wrapped in the futon.
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger 2015
The evil warlord Gengetsu Kibaoni was defeated 444 years ago by the Last Ninja, the head of the Igasaki Family. In 2015, the Kibaoni Army starts rebuilding their empire and use fear harvested from humans to revive him. Five members of the Igasaki family must use their Nintality to transform into the Ninningers and fight to prevent the revival of Gengetsu Kibaoni.
Somewhere Boy 2022
Danny was a baby when his mother was killed in a car crash. Overcome with grief, his father locked him away in a house, telling him the outside world is full of monsters that will spirit him away like his mother.
Akbari Asghari 2011
A romantic comedy about two sisters and their journey from a western to Oriental life.
The Camomile Lawn 1992
The Camomile Lawn is British adaptation of the Mary Wesley's classic novel that aired on Channel 4. As storm clouds gather over Europe in 1939, five cousins meet to pay tribute to a world that will never be the same again.
Wlad El A'am 2021
When business student Ali meets wealthy and beautiful Maya, they’re immediately drawn to each other, but it seems that their families go back a long way.
Grafters 1998
Two English brothers with different, clashing personalities become live-in home renovators for a notoriously finicky couple with strong opinions.
The Devil Is There 2023
Imanishi Uta and Kujo Misono are cousins who have been raised together since childhood. Uta is a hard worker who aims to become a freelance writer while working part-time at an izakaya, but she is stubborn and not good at expressing her emotions honestly. On the other hand, Misono is a cute and spoiled character who is loved by everyone. These two contrasting people live together in an apartment in Tokyo, are family members, and are like best friends. However, in fact, Misono has a devilish cold-hearted heart...! Uta, who lives together without knowing that Misono has a hidden side, is gradually driven to ruin. When Uta eventually realizes Misono's betrayal, she despairs and vows revenge to counterattack, but...