Den grønne mil

Den grønne mil 1999


I 60 år har Paul Edgecomb slitt med søvnløshet og dårlig samvittighet. En hendelse fra hans tid som fangevokter på 30-tallet har festet seg i sinnet for alltid. Paul var på avdelingen for dødsdømte i beryktede Cold Mountain i depresjonstiden. Her ventet fangene på sin siste vandring, "den grønne mil", over det grønne linoleumsgulvet mot den elektriske stol.


Green Book

Green Book 2018


Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen) og den afroamerikanske pianisten Dr. Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali) under en musikalsk turné i Sør-USA på 1960-tallet. Fast bestemt på å bryte barrierer og fremføre musikken sin for massene, legger Dr. Shirley ut på turneen med hjelp av sin nyansatte sjåfør, Tony, og ved hjelp av den grønne boken, en guide som viser rasistisk aksepterte etablissementer for afroamerikanere. opptre, spise og sove i. Til tross for at han er blitt advart om at hans tilstedeværelse i disse statene kan bringe problemer, danner Dr. Shirley og Tony et usannsynlig bånd da Tony blir vekket til fordommene det svarte samfunnet er utsatt for mens Dr. Shirley utdanner Tony i hva det betyr å være sofistikert.


Djevelens advokat

Djevelens advokat 1997


Advokaten Kevin Lomaxskyr ingen midler. For ham er seier i rettssalen det eneste som teller, selv om han vet at de han forsvarer er aldri så skyldige. Med stor sjarm og karisma trollbinder han enhver jury og får sine klienter frikjent. Han har aldri tapt en sak. Til slutt blir han tilbudt jobb i det mektige advokatfirmaet til John Milton. Kevin føler at han er kommet til et paradis på jord - inntil han skjønner hvem han egentlig jobber for.



Harriet 2019


Denne biografiske filmen følger Harriet Tubmans opprivende flukt fra slaveriet. Med livet som innsats hjelper hun også andre til friheten via den underjordiske jernbanen.


Thelma & Louise

Thelma & Louise 1991


Noen ba dem finne seg en hobby. Og det gjorde de. Sarandon og Davis spiller to bestevenninner på desperat flukt i de sørvestlige delene av USA etter en tragisk episode på en bar langs veien. Med en målbevisst kriminalbetjent i hælene, en haiker med sleip tunge på deres vei og en serie forbrytelser i kjølvannet veksler ferden deres mellom en morsom, høyt giret fornøyelsestur og en personlig odyssé å vokse på...mens lovens lange arm hele tiden nærmer seg.


O Brother, Where Art Thou?

O Brother, Where Art Thou? 2000


Tre straffanger rømmer fra fengsel i 30-tallets Kentucky for å finne en skjult skatt. Det blir et forrykende eventyr med mange forviklinger.



Patrioten 2000


Den tidligere krigshelten Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson) har sverget på å aldri mer dra i krig - helt til uavhengighetskampen når fram til hans egen dør. Når den harde realiteten truer hans familie og han blir nødt til å sloss for å forsvare den, tar Martin igjen opp våpnene og gjør seg til leder for en modig opprørshær som sloss mot de velutrustede engelskmennene for å redde familien - og den unge nasjonens frihet.


My Cousin Vinny

My Cousin Vinny 1992


Vincent La Guardia Gambini har nettopp med nød og neppe bestått jusseksamen da fetteren hans William og kameraten ender opp i fengsel. De står anklaget for mord, og Vincent reiser øyeblikkelig til fengselcellen deres i Alabama for å ta saken deres. Tanken er god, men det eneste problemet er at Vincent sov seg gjennom studiene. Han aner ingenting om hvordan en rettssak foregår, og den mafiaaktige New York storbyslangen hans er langt fra populær i konservative Alabama. Kan han lære seg loven før alt håp er ute for William og Stanley?



Purpurfargen 1985


Året er 1906 og stedet er en småby i sørstatene. Den knapt 14 år gamle Celie blir mor til to små. Ungenes far er hennes stefar, som i lang tid har misbrukt henne. Han tar fra henne barna og nekter å fortelle henne noe om deres skjebne. Når Celies stefar blir lei av henne, gir han henne bort til en like voldelig enkemann, og mishandlingen fortsetter. Celie tømmer sitt hjerte i brevform, først til Gud og så til sin fraværende søster, Nettie. Det er ikke før i 1921, når blues-sangerinnen Shug Avery kommer inn i livet hennes, at Celie begynner å skjønne at hun er verdt noe. Hun innser at hun har rett til et verdig liv, og at det finnes et hav av muligheter for å oppnå det.


Black Snake Moan

Black Snake Moan 2006


Lazarus pleide å spille blues. I sin tid fikk han Bojo's Juke Joint til å skjelve. Nå lever han i blues. Bitter og knust av en utro kone og et ødelagt ekteskap, er han fortapt i svunne drømmer og forræderiets forakt. Helt til Rae dukker opp. Halvnaken og bevisstløs, er Rae etterlatt i veikanten for å dø da Lazarus finner henne. Den gudfryktige, middelaldrende svarte mannen, oppdager fort at den unge hvite kvinnen han pleier tilbake til livet, er byens ludder. Og enda verre, hun har en merkelig nervelidelse.


Bad Country

Bad Country 2014


Når politietterforsker Bud Carter arresterer leiemorderen Jesse Weiland, overbeviser han Weiland om å tyste på den mektigste forbryterringen i sørstatene.



Texas 1980


Texas is an American daytime soap opera which aired on NBC from August 4, 1980 until December 31, 1982. It was sponsored and produced by Procter & Gamble Productions at NBC Studios in Brooklyn, New York City. Texas is a spinoff of Another World. It was co-created by head writers John William Corrington, Joyce Hooper Corrington, and executive producer Paul Rauch of Another World. Rauch would hold the title of executive producer for the parent series and its spin-off until 1981.


Hart of Dixie

Hart of Dixie 2011


New Yorker Zoe Hart has it all figured out - after graduating top of her class from medical school, she'll follow in her father's footsteps and become a cardio-thoracic surgeon. But when her dreams fall apart, Zoe decides to work at a small practice in Bluebell, Alabama.



Dallas 2012


J.R., Bobby and Sue Ellen Ewing are all back at Southfork, with plenty of secrets, schemes and betrayals in mind. This time, they're joined by the next generation of Ewings, who take ambition and deception to a new level.


Walker, Texas Ranger

Walker, Texas Ranger 1993


Modern-day Texas Ranger, Cordell Walker's independent crime-solving methods have their roots in the rugged traditions of the Old West. Walker's closest friend is former Ranger, C.D. Parker, who retired after a knee injury, and now owns "C.D.'s," a Country/Western saloon/restaurant. Rookie Ranger, James "Jimmy" Trivette is an ex-football player who bases his crime-solving methods on reason and uses computers and cellular phones. Alex Cahill is the Assistant DA who shares a mutual attraction with Walker, but often disagrees with his unorthodox approach to law enforcement.


I'll Fly Away

I'll Fly Away 1991


I'll Fly Away is an American drama television series set during the late 1950s and early 1960s, in an unspecified Southern U.S. state. It aired on NBC from 1991 to 1993 and starred Regina Taylor as Lilly Harper, a black housekeeper for the family of district attorney Forrest Bedford, whose name is an ironic reference to Nathan Bedford Forrest, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan. As the show progressed, Lilly became increasingly involved in the Civil Rights Movement, with events eventually drawing in Forrest as well. I'll Fly Away won two 1992 Emmy Awards, and 23 nominations in total. It won three Humanitas Prizes, two Golden Globe Awards, two NAACP Image Awards for Outstanding Drama Series, and a Peabody Award. However, the series was never a ratings blockbuster, and it was canceled by NBC in 1993, despite widespread protests by critics and viewer organizations. After the program's cancellation, a two-hour movie, I'll Fly Away: Then and Now, was produced, in order to resolve dangling storylines from Season 2, and provide the series with a true finale. The movie aired on October 11, 1993 on PBS. Its major storyline closely paralleled the true story of the 1955 murder of Emmett Till in Money, Mississippi. Thereafter, PBS began airing repeats of the original episodes, ceasing after one complete showing of the entire series.



Dallas 1978


The world's first mega-soap, and one of the most popular ever produced, Dallas had it all. Beautiful women, expensive cars, and men playing Monopoly with real buildings. Famous for one of the best cliffhangers in TV history, as the world asked "Who shot J.R.?" A slow-burner to begin with, Dallas hit its stride in the 2nd season, with long storylines and expert character development. Dallas ruled the airwaves in the 1980's.



Savannah 1996


Savannah is an American prime time television drama that ran from January 21, 1996 to February 24, 1997 on The WB. It was created by Constance M. Burge and produced by Aaron Spelling.



Nashville 2012


Rayna Jaymes and Juliette Barnes face personal and professional challenges as they navigate their paths as artists and individuals. Surrounding them, and often complicating their lives, are their family, friends and, in some cases, lovers, as well as the up-and-coming performers and songwriters trying to get ahead in the business.



P-Valley 2020


Down deep in the Mississippi Delta, Trap music meets film noir in this kaleidoscopic story of a little-strip-club-that-could and the big characters who come through its doors—the hopeful, the lost, the broken, the ballers, the beautiful, and the damned.


Southern Charm

Southern Charm 2014


Go behind the walls of Charleston, South Carolina's most aristocratic families and discover a world of exclusivity, money and scandal that goes back generations. The fast-paced, drama-filled docu-series follows Charleston singles struggling with the constraints of this tight-knit, posh society.


Queen Sugar

Queen Sugar 2016


Two sisters, Nova Bordelon and Charley Bordelon, with her teenage son Micah moves to the heart of Louisiana to claim an inheritance from her recently departed father - an 800-acre sugarcane farm.



Boone 1983


Boone is a dramatic television series which was broadcast on NBC from 1983 to 1984. It starred Tom Byrd and Barry Corbin. Byrd played teenager Boone Sawyer, who aspires to a career in rock and roll music, despite the advice of his stern father, Merit Sawyer, played by Corbin, who wants Boone to join him in the automobile repair business. The setting of the series is Tennessee in the early 1950s, when great changes began to occur in popular music, with the rise of Elvis Presley. Ten weekly episodes began airing on September 26, 1983, and three remaining segments were broadcast in the summer of 1984, the last on August 11. The series was created by Earl Hamner, Jr. Ronnie Claire Edwards, an Oklahoma City native who played Corabeth Godsey, the bossy wife of storekeeper Ike Godsey in The Waltons, portrayed Aunt Dolly Sawyer in Boone. William Edward Phipps played her husband Link Sawyer, the owner of Link's Orchid Lounge, where Boone and his friend, Rome Hawley, sometimes performed. Other stars included Elizabeth Huddle as Boone's mother, Faye, who wanted Boone to commit to the ministry, as his older brother, Dwight, had done prior to Dwight's death in World War II. Julie Anne Haddock was cast as Amanda; Robyn Lively, Banjo; and Amanda Peterson, Boone's young sister, Squirt Sawyer.


Houston Knights

Houston Knights 1987


Houston Knights is an American crime drama set in Houston, Texas. The show ran on CBS from 1987 to 1988 and had 31 episodes. The core of the show was the partnership between two very different cops from two different cultures. Chicago cop Joey LaFiamma, played by Michael Paré, is transferred to Houston after he kills a mobster from a powerful Mafia family and a contract is put out on him. Once there, he is partnered with Levon Lundy, played by Michael Beck, the grandson of a Texas Ranger. Although as different as night and day, and after a rocky beginning they form a successful partnership and become friends. This is aided to a certain extent by an event where a hitman from Chicago who holds the contract to shoot La Fiamma arrives in Houston and is ultimately killed by Lundy. During the series, it is revealed that both La Fiamma and Lundy have their own personal demons; La Fiamma's Chicago police partner had been killed when he went ahead while La Fiamma had waited for backup to arrive. Lundy's wife had been killed by an explosion that was intended to kill him.


Memphis Beat

Memphis Beat 2010


Memphis Beat is an American drama series that debuted on TNT on June 22, 2010 and ended on August 16, 2011. Memphis Beat was officially canceled on October 14, 2011.


Southern Fried Homicide

Southern Fried Homicide 2013


Southern Fried Homicide probes the juiciest stories from down in the Bible Belt. Classic true crime is served up against a backdrop of Southern hospitality, etiquette and Christian values. Good ol' morals give way to cold-blooded murder in these grim tales of love gone wrong, business deals turned sour, families divided, and more.



Hellcats 2010


Pre-law student Marti Perkins' world is flipped upside down when she loses her scholarship, and realizes the only way she can stay in school is by reigniting her dormant teen gymnastic skills to win a place on Lancer University's legendary cheerleading team.


Palmerstown, U.S.A.

Palmerstown, U.S.A. 1980


Palmerstown, U.S.A. is a drama series. It centers on the lives of two 9-year-old best friends, one black and one white, growing up in a small Southern town during the 1930s.


The Yellow Rose

The Yellow Rose 1983


The Yellow Rose is an American television series. It was broadcast on the NBC network during the 1983-1984 season. It was produced by Paul Freeman. The series was at least partly inspired by the more coltish elements of the soap opera Dallas, and dealt with the intrigues of the Texas-based ranch-owning Champion family. The show's cast included Sam Elliott, David Soul, Edward Albert, Cybill Shepherd, Chuck Connors, Noah Beery, Jr., Ken Curtis, Robin Wright and Jane Russell. The Yellow Rose was canceled after one season of twenty-two episodes. In the summer of 1990, the series was rerun again on NBC along with the short-lived Bret Maverick starring James Garner.


Southern Charm Savannah

Southern Charm Savannah 2017


Viewers are taken past the antebellum walls for an inside look into the posh society of Savannah, Georgia, following six lifelong friends as they set out to make their mark in this world, all while navigating their legacies, love lives, and personal relationships.


American Patchwork: Songs and Stories of America

American Patchwork: Songs and Stories of America 1990


From 1978 to 1985 Alan Lomax traveled the American South and Southwest with a television crew to document regional folklore with deep historical roots. From the resulting 400 hours of footage came the five-program series American Patchwork, which aired on PBS in 1991.