Parfymen - Historien om en morder

Parfymen - Historien om en morder 2006


Foreldreløse Jean-Bapstiste Grenouille er født med en helt unik luktesans. Når han begynner å jobbe på et parfymeri i Paris lager han verdens fremste parfyme. Men jakten hans på den ultimate ingrediensen tar en uventet vending når han finner denne hos en ung og uskyldig kvinne.


Trails to Oishii Tokyo

Trails to Oishii Tokyo 2019


Delicious food from Tokyo's markets! Learn about the amazing ingredients which are sourced from across Japan and sold at Tokyo's fresh food markets.


Coast and Country Auctions

Coast and Country Auctions 2018


Documentary series looking at the stories behind Britain's traditional markets and auctions that are at the heart of the country's rural and coastal economies


Trails to Tsukiji

Trails to Tsukiji 2015


"Trails to Tsukiji" is a show that focuses on Japanese food available at Tokyo's iconic Tsukiji Market where every kind of fresh food is gathered from around the country.