Mad Max

Mad Max 1979


I en ødelagt, nær fremtid er det en brutal motorsykkelgjeng som kontrollerer gatene. Gjengen terroriserer uskyldige sivile, ødelegger gatene og ler politiet opp i ansiktet. Men de har undervurdert én politimann: Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson). Når de mishandler Max' bestevenn og familie, sender de ham ut på en vill hevntokt!



Twister 1996


Helen Hunt og Bill Paxton spiller forskere på jakt etter det mest ødeleggende uværet som har feid over Tornado Alley i Amerika på 50 år. Ved å plassere elektroniske sensorer inne i tornadoen, håper stormjegerne å skaffe tilstrekkelige data til å lage et bedre varslingssystem. Men for å få det til, må de møte tornadoen på dødelig hjemmebane. Jakten er i gang!


Smokey and the Bandit

Smokey and the Bandit 1977


Reynold spiller rollen som Banditt - En tøff trailersjåfør som aksepterer den ultimate utfordringen: Å hente en last med Coors-øl i Texarkana - nærmeste sted derdet selges lovlig - og frakte det tvers over USA til Atlanta i løpet av 48 Timer. Belønningen ? $80 000! Resultatet? de villeste biljaktene og krasjene som noensinne er filmer! Årsaken? Texas - sheriffen Buford T. Justice, kjent som "Smokey", blir helt besatt av tanken på å arrestere den ufangelige Banditt da han slår seg sammen med den rømte bruden til Smokeys sønn!



Duel 1971



Landeveiens kriger

Landeveiens kriger 1981


Max, den heroiske outsideren som kjører rundt på Australias øde veier, på jakt etter mer bensin. Sammen med en gjeng likesinnende. De forsvarer et bensinlager og får hjelp fra vår ensomme helt i kampen mot de bisarre krigerne under ledelse av Humungus. Disse bandittene er kjent for å aldri ta fanger da de i stedet kan pulverisere motstanderne. Så gjør klart for kamp!



Joe 2014



Smokey and the Bandit 3

Smokey and the Bandit 3 1983


Big Enos og Little Enos har åpnet en fiskerestaurant og vil gå utradisjonelle veier for å markedsføre den. De leier Cletus til å slepe en svær modell av en hai fra Miami til Texas for å skape blest om restauranten.


Smokey and the Bandit 2

Smokey and the Bandit 2 1980


Burt Reynolds, Sally Field og Jackie Gleason er på farten igjen sammen med et praktfullt stjernegalleri, når et rått politisk kappløp resulterer i gjensynet med alle de villeste påfunnene fra the Bandit. Og nok en gang blir han forfulgt av sin erkefienden Sheriff Buford T. Justice, som fremdeles er sykelig opptatt av å pågripe the Bandit. Men denne gangen er utbyttet enda større - en gravid elefant. Og risikabel. Villskapen er villere. Og vinnerens innsats er uendelig mye høyere.


Outback Truckers

Outback Truckers 2012


Jump in the cab with some of the men and women behind the wheel of monster road trains and reveals what life is really like on the wide-open road. Highly dramatic, often humorous, Outback Truckers reveals the true blue heart and soul of Aussie trucking.


White Van Man

White Van Man 2011


The incredible misadventures of two handymen on the road and the extraordinary people they meet along the way.


Dallas & Robo

Dallas & Robo 2018


Sassy space-trucker Dallas and self-proclaimed warrior-poet Robo navigate their way around cannibal bikers, rival space truckers, and vending machine burritos as they try to make a buck in the seedy world of interplanetary big-rigging.


Robocar Poli

Robocar Poli 2011


When disaster strikes in Brooms Town, police car Robocar Poli, fire truck Robotruck Roy and their friends on the rescue team race to save the day.


18 Wheels of Justice

18 Wheels of Justice 2000


Justice Department undercover agent Michael Cates’s family was killed after he testified against crime boss Jacob Calder. Now Cates is working out of an 18 Wheeler under another undercover identity, that of Chance Bowman. As Cates wanders America listening to country music and helping people he is also dodging hit-men and still trying to take down Calder.


NASCAR Truck Series

NASCAR Truck Series 1970


The NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series is a pickup truck racing series owned and operated by the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR), and is the only series in NASCAR to race production pickup truck-based stock cars.


Trucks and Men

Trucks and Men 2013


The series takes us on a journey around some of the world’s most dangerous routes, with some rather unique truckers. As we accompany them on their everyday adventures, we will explore the most hostile regions, the most extreme conditions and the most unpredictable tracks. Consisting of three seasons, the series lets viewers discover landscapes, cultures and roads that stray from the beaten path.



Trucks! 1970


Trucks! is an American television program that airs weekends as a part of Spike TV‘s Powerblock. It is hosted by Kevin Neils Tetz and Ryan Shand. The program focuses on automotive mechanics involving trucks and SUVs, ranging from improvement, to customizing, to creative works. The show is involved with racing and/or customizing trucks, and in the past the show included segments called "How It Works" where the host would visit with various technical instructors at Wyotech to discuss automotive related topics such as how a particular mechanical device operated or the specialized equipment it takes to diagnose or repair a vehicle. The show was originally hosted by Stacey David and Mel Fair, who was also the program’s director, writer, and producer. Fair left the show at the end of the first season to pursue an acting career leaving David as the show's only host. In 2005, David left the show to pursue another automotive show concept entitled "Stacey David's GearZ" which debuted on ESPN2 in March 2007. After David's departure, Paul Vinson and Kevin Tetz took over as co-hosts for the 2006 season, although Vinson was rarely seen during the latter part of the season while Tetz began sharing the camera with Ryan Shand. Shand officially replaced Vinson as co-host beginning with the 2007 season, although no official statement or press release has provided any explanation behind the change. Some online reports however have sighted Vinson may have been suffering from a kidney failure and awaiting a transplant. He has been in the past and currently an actor.