
Divergent 2014


Hvert år må alle 16-åringer velge hvilken gruppe de vil tilhøre resten av livet. For Beatrice står valget mellom å være med familien, eller å være den hun innerst inne vet hun er.


Blade Runner

Blade Runner 1982


Androider gjør opprør mot menneskene i jakten på sitt innerste selv. Politimannen Rick Deckard tar opp jakten, men begynner etter hvert å tvile på om oppdraget er moralsk riktig.



Lucy 2014


25 år gamle Lucy fra USA, som lever og studerer i Taiwan, tvinges til å utføre en jobb for en narkotikaliga. Oppdraget går galt, og hun tas til fange mens de farlige stoffene hun smugler i magen lekker ut i kroppen. Men i stedet for å dø av en overdose, forvandles Lucy til en drapsmaskin - en nådeløs kriger som er i stand til å utnytte 100 prosent av sin hjernekapasitet og utvikle seg langt utover menneskelig forstand.


Star Trek

Star Trek 2009


Star Trek er en ren underholdingsbombe av en film, en uimotståelig invitasjon til å ha det gøy. Villbassen James Kirk og den skarpe logikeren Spock, halvt 'vulkansk' og halvt menneske, er blant det rutinerte mannskapet som drar ut på jomfruturen med tidenes mest avanserte romfartøy: U.S.S. Enterprise. På sin eventyrlige og farefulle ferd gjennom galaksen støter de på den onde kaptein Nero, som truer med å utslette hele menneskeheten.


Total Recall

Total Recall 1990


Året er 2048, og et sted på jorden plages Douglas Quaid av tilbakevendende drømmer om et annet liv på Mars. Han oppsøker bedriften Rekall, et reiseselskap som kan implantere fantasier hos mennesker som ønsker å gjøre drømmer til virkelighet. Drømmer like virkelige som et minne i hjernen. Men noe går galt, og prosessen vekker minner som skulle ha forblitt skjult ...


Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness 2013


Når den nådeløse mesterhjernen Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch) innleder en enmannskrig mot Føderasjonen, setter kaptein Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto) og den uredde besetningen påU.S.S. Enterprise ut påsitt mest eksplosive oppdrag noensinne. Det vil kreve alt de har av arsenal å redde jorden og eliminere Khans dødelige trussel i J.J. Abrams’ nervepirrende actioneventyr.


Minority Report

Minority Report 2002


Washington D.C. har vært fri for drap i seks år takket være finurlig teknologi som avslører drapsmenn før de utfører forbrytelsen. Men når lederen for prekriminalitet-enheten selv blir beskyldt for et framtidig drap, har han 36 timer på seg til å finne ut hvem som har pekt ham ut, ellers blir han offer for det perfekte systemet han har vært med på å skape.


Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion 1997


Den andre av to kinoutgivelser følger opp Neon Genesis Evangelion serien. Denne finalen består av to alternative episoder som først var ment å ta plassen for episodene 25 og 26, og svarer på mange av spørsmålene rundt serien, samtidig som den åpner for noen nye muligheter.



Dredd 2012


I en futuristisk by, hvor politiet fungerer som dommer, jury og bøddel, forsøker en politiman og hans lærling å stoppe en narkotikabande fra å spre et nytt dop med virkelighetsforandrende egenskaper.



Doomsday 2008


Ett dødelig virus har utslettet hundretusener av liv i England, og en massiv mur reises for å hindre de smittede fra å forlate smittekilden Skottland. De som forsøker å flykte myrdes ubønnhørlig. Det er ikke mulig å komme seg ut, men heller ikke inn bak muren. 30 år senere bryter viruset ut igjen og begynner å høste nye offer. Det går rykte om at det finnes liv bak muren, noe som betyr at noen sannsynligvis har funnet motgiften.


Den sjette dagen

Den sjette dagen 2000


I en nær fremtid har kloning blitt så teknisk avansert at det går å klone mennesker. Adam Gibson returnerer hjem etter et jobboppdrag, bare for å finne en klone av seg selv sammen med sin familie. Den sindige helikopterpiloten Adam unngår ved en tilfeldighet å fly et helikopter som styrter, men når han kommer hjem finner han en ny versjon av seg selv i huset. Dermed begynner Adams kamp for å finne ut hvem som står bak og hvorfor. Han vil ha livet sitt tilbake, men må først bekjempe sitt alter ego, sin sjef, og to tyver som er irriterende vanskelig å få has på.


Rolie Polie Olie

Rolie Polie Olie 1998


Rolie Polie Olie was a children's television series produced by Nelvana, distributed by Disney, and created by William Joyce, Maggie Swanson, and Anne Wood. The show centers on a little roly pollie who is composed of several spheres and other three-dimensional geometric shapes. The show was one of the earliest series that was fully animated in CGI, and the first CGI animated preschool series.Rolie Polie Olie now airs in reruns on Disney Junior. Rolie Polie Olie won a Gemini Award in Canada for "Best Animated Program" in 1999. The show also won a Daytime Emmy Award for "Outstanding Special Class Animated Program" in 2000 and 2005. William Joyce won a 1999 Daytime Emmy for Best Production Design for this series. The show has a vintage atmosphere reminiscent of the 1950s and early 1960s, with futuristic elements.


A Certain Magical Index

A Certain Magical Index 2008


Touma Kamijou is a student living in Academy City, a highly advanced place in terms of technology. Despite being gauged as a level zero esper (no powers), he possesses on his right hand the Imagine Breaker, an ability that negates any power whatsoever. Touma finds a young girl named Index who is trying to run away from Necessarius, a powerful magic organization that she is member of. Blessed with the skill of memorizing any sort of information, she holds 103,000 forbidden magical books within her head. As science and magic cross paths, Touma must face several dangers amid espers and magicians who appear in the exciting scientific town.



Eureka 2006


The sleepy Pacific Northwest town of Eureka is hiding a mysterious secret. The government has been relocating the world's geniuses and their families to this rustic town for years where innovation and chaos have lived hand in hand. U.S. Marshal Jack Carter stumbles upon this odd town after wrecking his car and becoming stranded there. When the denizens of the town unleash an unknown scientific creation, Carter jumps in to try to restore order and consequently learns of one of the country's best kept secrets.


Stargate Universe

Stargate Universe 2009


The adventures of a present-day, multinational exploration team traveling on the Ancient spaceship Destiny many billions of light years distant from the Milky Way Galaxy. They evacuated there and are now trying to figure out a way to return to Earth, while simultaneously trying to explore and to survive in their unknown area of the universe.


Super Force

Super Force 1990


Super Force is an action-adventure TV series about a former astronaut who uses an advanced combat suit and motorcycle to fight crime in the city of Metroplex during the year 2020. Among the features of the suit were enhanced strength and armament, whereas the motorcycle had an array of James Bond-type gadgets and weapons.


The Peripheral

The Peripheral 2022


Stuck in a small Appalachian town, a young woman’s only escape from the daily grind is playing advanced video games. She is such a good player that a company sends her a new video game system to test…but it has a surprise in store. It unlocks all of her dreams of finding a purpose, romance, and glamour in what seems like a game…but it also puts her and her family in real danger.



BraveStarr 1987


BraveStarr is an American Space Western animated television series. The original episodes aired from September 1987 to February 1988 in syndication. It was created simultaneously with a collection of action figures. BraveStarr was the last animated series produced by Filmation and Group W Productions to be broadcast. Bravo!, a spin-off series was in production along with Bugzburg when the studio closed down. Reruns of the show aired on Qubo Night Owl from 2010 to 2013, and reruns air on the Retro Television Network from 2010 to Present.


Æon Flux

Æon Flux 1991


Æon Flux is set in a bizarre, dystopian future world. The title character is a tall, leather-clad secret agent from the nation of Monica, skilled in assassination and acrobatics. Her mission is to infiltrate the strongholds of the neighboring country of Bregna, which is led by her sometimes-nemesis and sometimes-lover Trevor Goodchild. Monica represents a dynamic anarchist society, while Bregna embodies a police state.



Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS 2020


Yuga can't wait to share Rush Dueling with every Duelist out there, but Goha Enterprises - the megacorp that controls the whole city - is having none of it! They're the ones who dictate how Duels are supposed to be played, so they're going to use everything in their arsenal to crush this kid! But if they think that's going to stop Yuga from building his road to freedom - they don't know Yuga!



PLUTO 2023


When the world's seven most advanced robots and their human allies are murdered one by one, Inspector Gesicht soon discovers that he's also in danger.


Bionic Six

Bionic Six 1987


The title characters of the series are a family of machine-enhanced human beings possessing unique powers after being augmented with bionic technology, much like The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman. Each family member is given specific bionic powers, and thus they form a superhero team named Bionic Six.



Transfers 2017


Thanks to science, after five years of coma, Florian has his mind transferred into another's body. Now he has to hide his identity, living as an officer with BATI, the anti-transfers unit.



Gankutsuou 2004


In an elegant future Paris, a Count returns to wreak havoc on those that betrayed him.



Osmosis 2019


In Paris of the near future, a dating app matches singles with their soul mates by mining their brain data. But decoding true love comes at a price.


Ai no Kusabi

Ai no Kusabi 2012


This futuristic tale is set in a world where men are assigned various social classes based on their hair color. Iason Mink, a high-class Blondie, runs into Riki, a black-haired Mongrel, and makes him his "Pet." As Riki learns of the dangers Iason faces by keeping him, he finds himself developing feelings for his master. This is a remake of the 1992 OVA of the same name.


Kamen Rider Drive: Movie Roadshow Commemoration! 1 Minute Stories

Kamen Rider Drive: Movie Roadshow Commemoration! 1 Minute Stories 2015


Kamen Rider Drive: Movie Roadshow Commemoration! 1 Minute Stories is a miniseries created to promote the film Kamen Rider Drive: Surprise Future, serving as a prequel to the said movie. It has 4 episodes, revealing the story of how and why Eiji Tomari traveled back in time to 2015.



APB 2017


After a billionaire engineer witnesses his best friend’s murder, he takes charge of Chicago’s troubled 13th District and reboots it as a technically innovative police force, challenging the district to rethink everything about the way they fight crime.


Electric City

Electric City 2012


Electric City is an award-winning, animated, post-apocalyptic, science fiction, web series published through Yahoo!. Created by Tom Hanks, the series begins after the world has ended. Electric City represents peace and security in the midst of rubble. Even though it seems to be an orderly utopia, there are still secrets, back-alley dealings, daring chases and murder.


Ai no Kusabi

Ai no Kusabi 1992


On planet Amoi, a great society has developed, creating a computerized city called Tanagura, ruled by supercomputer Jupiter. The populace is almost entirely male and is based on hair color; silver and/or blonds are the elitist, ending with dark/black haired as the bottom of society, often known as "mongrels". Blondies keep "pets", young boys kept for a few years, especially made for performing sexual actions for the Blondie's voyeurism entertainment. Blondies aren't suppose to keep pets for long or interact sexually with pets, but one blondie named Iason Mink has kept a pet named Rikki, for years and is rumored to sleep with him. Iason refuses to let go of Rikki, even with Jupiter's disapproval. Rikki fights with his emotions and society problems, unable to decide what to do about his old friend/lover Gai (Guy) and their gang. Iason is obsessed with keeping Rikki, and Rikki doesn't know what to do; fight against him or surrender to him.