João Salaviza La leyenda de Balthasar el Castrado L'Enfant du secret When It Thunders Da Invicta ao Sonoro Poor George When It Thunders A Portuguese Film Belle Époque Querença In the Interstices of Reality or The Cinema of António de Macedo Rafa High Cities of Bone Arena Cerro Negro Cerro Negro Cerro Negro Strokkur Strokkur Strokkur Strokkur Strokkur Hotel Müller Hotel Müller Hotel Müller Casa Na Comporta Two People Mountain Mountain Elon Doesn't Believe in Death High Cities of Bone High Cities of Bone Rafa Rafa Arena Arena Mountain The Buriti Flower The Buriti Flower The Buriti Flower The Messenger Russa The Buriti Flower Cães de Caça Cães de Caça Cães de Caça The Summer of Rita M. Strokkur Lumiar Eccentricities of a Blonde-Haired Girl The Dead and the Others The Dead and the Others Russa Russa Russa Dedicated To The One I Love Casa Na Comporta The Dead and the Others The Dead and the Others To Our Friends Ketwajê Regards d'enfance Sozinhos em Casa