Juri Ueno Neighbor X Summer Time Machine Blues Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers Swing Girls Nodame Cantabile: The Movie I Rainbow Song Naoko Gu Gu, the Cat The Files of Young Kindaichi: The Legendary Vampire Murders Nodame Cantabile: The Movie II Josee, the Tiger and the Fish Killer Bride's Perfect Crime For the coming day The Stars Converge Girl in the Sunny Place Juri Ueno: ao akua Arch Angels Kung Fu Kid Shishousetsu: Hattatsu Shougai no Boku ga Junai Shousetsuka ni nareta Riyuu The Beauty Inside SWING GIRLS First & Last Concert Mystery Trilogy Special Christmas on July 24th Avenue Yell for the Blue Sky My Dad and Mr. Ito Switch of Happiness Our War Nodame Cantabile in Europe Child by Children Sea Without Exit Engine Orange Days Last Friends Okaasan to Issho You Gotta Be Kidding Me! Nodame Cantabile Ouroboros 生存 愛する娘のために The Secret Message He's Expecting Hard to Say I Love You The Thorns of Alice Teruteru Kazoku Shishosetsu: Hattatsu Shogai no Boku ga Junai Shosetsuka ni Nareta Riyu のだめカンタービレ 最終楽章 Family's Form Is Love Sustainable? Good Doctor Princess Go Loss:Time:Life Angels with Broken Wings Ueno Juri and the Five Bags Ueno Juri and the Five Bags Ueno Juri and the Five Bags Ueno Juri and the Five Bags Ueno Juri and the Five Bags KOBAYASHI KENTARO TELEVISION ヨーロッパ企画の26世紀フォックス The Ship of Theseus Swing Girls Side Story Kansatsui Asagao 監察医 朝顔 The Files of the Young Kindaichi