Arrigo Frusta Escursioni Sulla Catena Del Monte Bianco Grenadier Roland The Slave of Carthage The Queen of Nineveh Happy New Year! The Romance of a Jockey If One Could See Into the Future The Miracle Water A Modern Cinderella Othello La ribalta Tweedledum Wants to Be a Jockey Galileo Galilei La mala pianta La maschera pietosa Othello The Golden Wedding Escursioni Sulla Catena Del Monte Bianco The Story of Lulu Told by Her Feet L'oca alla Colbert Amor di regina Parsifal Sunbeam Nero, or The Fall of Rome The Masked Amazon The False Oath Grenadier Roland Tweedledum's Itching Powder Il duello di Robinet The Glove Il Ventriloquo Sigfrido