Aleksandr Kheruvimov Queen Of The Screen Chrysanthemums Mirages The Draconian Contract Shadows of Sin The Night Before Christmas The Dying Swan For Happiness Silent Witnesses Uncle's Apartment Sorrows of Sarah The Poet and the Fallen Soul Yuriy Nagorniy Nelly Raintseva Only Once a Year Lina under Examination, or the Turbulent Corpse Behind The Doors Of The Salon The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Knights Lina's Adventure in Sochi Long Live... Mice! Another's Soul Dream And Life Arkasha Is Getting Married The Retribution Cold Souls Leon Drey The Child Of Science Assassination Attempt on the Governor The Precipice Snegurochka Annushka's Case Gypsy Romances The King, the Law and the Justice Rabid Dog Mr. Director Is Flirting Princess Larisa One Hundred Thousand Марионетки рока