Gen Takahashi World of Thugs Confessions of a Dog Goth Goth The Young Blood Typhoon Confessions of a Dog Confessions of a Dog Charon The Secret of Quarrel Breakthrough Number The Secret of Quarrel Breakthrough Number Toppamono Taiyouden Toppamono Taiyouden The Young Blood Typhoon Court of Zeus Songshan Shaolin Temple Les moines Shaolin du Mont Songshan Yoko the Cherry Blossom Yoko the Cherry Blossom Yoko the Cherry Blossom Yoko the Cherry Blossom Court of Zeus World of Thugs World of Thugs Charon Charon Haunted School Haunted School Lady Plastic Lady Plastic Lady Plastic I Hate You... Not I Hate You... Not Kirai ja nai yo 2 Kirai ja nai yo 2