Géza Tordy Hadik Four Children in the Flood Sons of the Stone-Hearted Man The Train Killer A Hungarian Nabob 2: Karpathy Zoltan Song of the Miraculous Hind Black Diamond Twenty Hours Don't Keep Off the Grass Suburban Legend Test Trip For Whom the Larks Sing A Girl Was Killed The Round-Up Just a Joke Faithful for Nothing Klapka-Legion Popcorn und Paprika The American Cigarette Sleepless Years Tabló Édes Anna Mocorgó A ravaszdi leányzó és az IBUSZ vendégek The Insult Calvary Dead or Alive Erdély Aranykora Pillar of Salt The Sword Prince Árgyélus Vivat Beňovský! Nyolc évszak Sobri, ponyvafilm Perlasca: The Courage of a Just Man Perlasca: The Courage of a Just Man