Ari Alexander Ergis Magnússon Little Cosmonaut Little Cosmonaut Little Cosmonaut Screaming Masterpiece Screaming Masterpiece Epilogues Epilogues Slurpinn & Co. She Talks Icelandic She Talks Icelandic She Talks Icelandic ERRÓ - North - South - East - West ERRÓ - North - South - East - West Possibihilities Possibihilities Possibihilities The Word Music: Jorunn Vidar The Word Music: Magnus Blondal Johannsson The Word Music: Magnus Blondal Johannsson The Word Music: Magnus Blondal Johannsson The Word Music: Jorunn Vidar The Word Music: Jorunn Vidar The Word Music: Jorunn Vidar The Word Music: Magnus Blondal Johannsson Imagine Peace Imagine Peace Imagine Peace As If We Existed Poor Iceland Poor Iceland Poor Iceland Poor Iceland Screaming Masterpiece Mihkel Mihkel 60 Seconds of Solitude in Year Zero