Josef Hekrdla Kaštanka O kohoutkovi a slepičce Šroubkova dobrodružství Strange Birds Chlupatý ptáček What Did We Do to the Hens O nejbohatším vrabci na světě Autodeformace Hokej je hra Hokej je hra Hokej je hra How a puppy wanted little puppies Beer over the Street Automatic How sun gave puppy its water back How a puppy got a taste for honey Hearty Greetings from the Globe What Did We Do to the Hens Circulation What Did We Do to the Hens Pošťácká pohádka The Mole as a Chemist Doktorská pohádka Inferiority Complex Nonsense Hugo a Bobo Imago The Devil and Kate Psí pohádka Loupežnická pohádka How Poets Are Enjoying Their Lives