Izabella Gerasimova How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song Last Hunt The Mountain Master Russian Melodies Слонёнок Passion of Spies Songs of the Years of Fire Ikar and Sages Stereotypes Sea, Oh Sea! The Wise Gudgeon The Fire-Fairy The Origin of Species Plus Electrification Blue Puppy Contacts... Conflicts... Contacts... Conflicts... 2 Contacts... Conflicts... 3 Contacts... Conflicts... 4 In the Port Pot of Porridge The Little Mermaid I Give you a Star A Robbery In... Style Hello, the Olympics! Father Frost and the Summer The Bullfinch The Tale Is Told Жёлтик Poyga And The Fox Миссис Уксус и мистер Уксус Наш добрый мастер Mu-mu Old Precepts We Draw October Zhikharka Kostroma What's Well And What's Bad Как верблюжонок и ослик в школу ходили Fantik The Land Where You Live Friendship Song The Lost Granddaughter Children's Album The Case of the Hippopotamus Cat and Clown Nutcracker Four from the Same Yard The Dog in Boots The Walk Pictures at an Exhibition