Vladimir Danilevich Animated Soviet Propaganda Circus at Home The Travels of Chichikov: Manilov Boastful Little Mouse Three Penguins Porosenok v koluchey shubke The Puppy and the Old Slipper Grandfather I-Po's Tale The Mouse and the Red Sun We Are Going to Search How the Puppy Was Taught to Swim Ginger Cat White Skin How One Peasant Fed Two Generals Gnome Sweet Gnome Plasticine Hedgehog Grandfather's Binoculars Осенняя встреча The Legend of the Cruel Giant The Pipe and the Pitcher Mister Wolf Flashlight Ball Magic Bird Miraculous Well Miraculous Well Carousel Lion Ave Maria Go There, Don't Know Where The Tale of the Snow Maiden The Fire Is Burning In the Raw-Hide Tent The Tale of the Old Oak Tree Left-Hander How Grandfather Disturbed the Great Balance The Adventures of a Little Cucumber Вернулся служивый домой The Tale of the Snow Maiden We Are Following the Sun Two Greedy Bear Cubs Two Greedy Bear Cubs Yellow Elephant Visiting the Gnomes Too Salty Stubborn Dough Stubborn Dough Вагончик Одна лошадка белая The Sun on a String Beloved Beauty Why Did the Kitten Go Away? Who Is The First? The End of the Black Swamp The Miraculous Bell Geese-Swans The Frog Princess The Yellow Stork Sarmiko Мячик и мальчик