Jaak Kilmi Disco and Atomic War The Sleeping Beast Men at Arms Disco and Atomic War Disco and Atomic War Elf Disco Elf Disco The Human Camera The New World The Shadow Revolution of Pigs Uncaught Miracle Uncaught Miracle Christ lives in Siberia Disco and Atomic War Revolution of Pigs The Sleeping Beast Libarebased ja kooljad Let's Do It! The Dissidents The New World The New World The Art of Selling Tallinn Spiced Sprats: The Canned Tales A Living Force Underwater Flights Happy Landing My Father, the Spy The Revolution That Wasn't Touched by the Unknown A Living Force Christ lives in Siberia Karl and Carla Ta-ram, ta-ram Ta-ram, ta-ram FRESH BLOOD: Own and Stranger Christmas in the Jungle Nazis and Blondes Nazis and Blondes Choose Order Beauty of Fatherland Beauty of Fatherland Beauty of Fatherland My Father, the Spy Over the Roads, Over the River Paradise Out of Fashion Out of Fashion The Shadow Out of Fashion Badass Merike That's IT! Suur õde Suur õde Happy Landing Leaving Tallinn. 1941 Leaving Tallinn. 1941 Leaving Tallinn. 1941 Leaving Tallinn. 1941