Abigail Child Peripeteia I Peripeteia II Surface Noise Except the People A Shape of Error A Shape of Error A Shape of Error Unbound Mercy Prefaces Perils Mayhem Covert Action Acts and Intermissions Acts and Intermissions Acts and Intermissions Mutiny Both Elsa merdelamerdelamer The Suburban Trilogy Game Some Exterior Presence Daylight Test Section Vis à Vis Swamp Fucking Different New York Is This What You Were Born For? B/Side (If I Can Sing a Song About) Ligatures (If I Can Sing a Song About) Ligatures (If I Can Sing a Song About) Ligatures (If I Can Sing a Song About) Ligatures Mirror World To and No Fro Salomé On the Downlow Pacific Far East Line Ornamentals Riding the Tiger: Letters from Capitalist China Riding the Tiger: Letters from Capitalist China 8 Million Origin of the Species BLUE EDIT Dark Dark