Alexa-Jeanne Dubé Errance Ogoki Nights Mistral Spatial About Memory and Loss E Louise From 9 to 5 Jade & Mattéo The New Life of Paul Sneijder Origami Yes But No Thanks Claire l'hiver Cuba merci-gracias March Fool Apnea Everything Will Be Alright L'appareil de la Destruction Inbox Moi sans toi Sarah Prefers to Run Ville-Marie Tell Me Why These Things Are So Beautiful Joutel Joutel Sweet Sixteen Dormance Dormance Scopique Yes But No Thanks Yes But No Thanks Yes But No Thanks Sweet Sixteen S.D.R. S.D.R. After Féminin/Féminin STAT STAT Sorcières Faits divers Le chalet On verra ça en post-prod Vidanges The Wall