Max Hattler Nova the Film Spin Divisional Articulations Divisional Articulations Spin Spin Nachtmaschine Divisional Articulations Spin Drift Drift Drift Spin AANAATT AANAATT AANAATT Your Highness Unclear Proof Unclear Proof 1925 1925 Serial Parallels Serial Parallels Nachtmaschine Shift Matter and Motion O/S Serial Parallels Serial Parallels TWENTYTИƎWT TWENTYTИƎWT TWENTYTИƎWT TWENTYTИƎWT TWENTYTИƎWT P/S P/S P/S P/S O/S P/S Hand Catgot Xylomat All Rot Collision Sync Meshed Serial Parallels Model Starship Stop the Show plus 1923