Vladimír Petřina Pohled do očí Joseph Kilian Don't Take Shelter From The Rain Passing Through a Thick Forest Transport from Paradise The King of Kings The Fifth Horseman Is Fear Čintamani & podvodník Diamonds of the Night Chlapci zadejte se A Place in the Crowd Sign of the Virgin Škola hříšníků The Windy Mountain The Pipes A Well Paid Walk Rhythm of First Love Transit Carlsbad The Case Is Not Yet Closed Aesop Svatej z Krejcárku Tvář pod maskou Homolka and Pocketbook Sny na neděli Ledoví muži U nás v Mechově Noc klavíristy To byla svatba, strýčku Tichý Američan v Praze Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea Lucy, the Menace of Street ...and again that Lucy! What Will My Wife Say to This? Hon na kočku Death of Hitch-Hikers Žena pro tři muže Cutting It Short Run, Waiter, Run! Hodina života Opera ve vinici Mature Wine Zelená vlna Chance Every Penny Counts Mikoláš Aleš A Star Travels South Neporažení Three Wishes for Cinderella Those Wonderful Movie Cranks Death Chooses Sluníčko na houpačce Plavecký mariáš Poslední mohykán