Aleksandr Milyutin White Dance Жнецы Rain in a Foreign City The Humble Cemetery Istanbul Transit The Burglar Two Knew the Password Ivin A. Babylon XX Shine, Shine, My Star Scourge of God Step Right... Step Left... Gulya Korolyova Imitator Trust Warmth of the Chilly Earth Comrade Brigade Apple in the Palm Я — Водолаз-2 Punchy Man Weekday Criminal Investigation The Truth Close-Up Wolf Trap The Rooks Zudov, You're Fired! Glade of Fairy Tales Counterstrike The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed Only Old Men Are Going to Battle Только ты The Whole World In Your Eyes Следую своим курсом The Unforgettable Допинг для ангелов Тихоня Exile Russian Ragtime Not Under the Jurisdiction ...А человек играет на трубе The Village Detective Ten Winters in One Summer Yurka's Sunrises Сердца трёх The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed