Claude Carliez The Hunchback of Paris La Mégère apprivoisée The Adventures of Gil Blas The Vultures La salamandre d'or Pardon Mon Affaire The Adventures of Arsène Lupin Le Chevalier de Saint-George Blood on His Sword Game of Seduction Moonraker La Main coupée Les Eaux mêlées Cop or Hood The Police War Don't Look Now... We're Being Shot At! The Milky Way That Most Important Thing: Love Enigma Levy & Goliath Fantomas A View to a Kill The Adventures of Arsène Lupin Le Chevalier de Saint-George Le Chevalier de Saint-George Atlantic Wall Farewell, Friend The Vikings Diamond Rush Under Your Hat Clockwork Bananas A Mouse with the Men The Madman of Lab Four The Night Caller The Burglars The Adventures of Scaramouche Perceval La Main coupée The Outsider Deux Romains en Gaule Les Rendez-vous du dimanche Numéro un Champs-Elysées Champs-Elysées Champs-Elysées Champs-Elysées Champs-Elysées