Dmytro Sukholytkyi-Sobchuk Silent Flood Intersection Intersection Rabies Krasna Malanka Krasna Malanka Anton Pleshka Anton Pleshka Anton Pleshka Krasna Malanka Pamfir The Beard The Beard The Thread The Thread The Roots. Dreams The Roots. Dreams The Roots. Dreams The Thread The Roots. Dreams The Thread Liturgy of Anti-Tank Obstacles Liturgy of Anti-Tank Obstacles Retention Retention Ukraine, Goodbye! The Good, the Bad and the Ugly The Good, the Bad and the Ugly The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Tempered by the Sea Tempered by the Sea Tempered by the Sea Tempered by the Sea Pamfir Weightlifter Weightlifter Adolescence Adolescence Weightlifter Adolescence Uncle Tolia Uncle Tolia