Olof Johnson Heartbreak Hotel Miffo Beck 30 - The Hospital Murders Beck 04 - Eye for an Eye Beck 25 - The Eye of the Storm Beck 26 - Buried Alive I skog och mark Beck 20 - The Lawyer Tingles The Threat Office Hours Ramona His and Hers The Confession Lotta Leaves Home Lotta on Rascal Street White Trash Beck 19 - The Vulture Wallander: Before the Frost Beck 15 - The Boy in the Glass Ball Beck 14 - The Advertising Man Beck 13 - Sender Unknown Beck 12 - The Loner Beck 11 - The Cartel Beck 10 - The Man Without a Face Beck 09 - The Price of Vengeance Beck 07 - The Money Man Beck 06 - The Monster Beck 05 - The Boarding House Pearl The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Kristina från Duvemåla - en konsertresa till Minnesota It's All About Friends Call of Death Beck 03 - White Nights Beck 03 - White Nights Se upp för dårarna Bergman's Reliquarium A Witch in the Family The Serpent's Way Pillertrillaren Macken - Roy's & Roger's Bilservice Yrrol - en kolossalt genomtänkt film