Pedro Costa Dialogues clandestins 2001 Finding the Criminal All Blossoms Again: Pedro Costa, Director Sacavém: The Films of Pedro Costa Wiara Uncertain Path 9'8m/s² Blood Colossal Youth Colossal Youth Colossal Youth Ossos The Daughters of Fire Change Nothing Where Does Your Hidden Smile Lie? In Vanda's Room Casa de Lava Memories Our Man Historic Centre Memories Our Man The State of the World Historic Centre 6 Bagatelas Agosto Atlântida: Do Outro Lado do Espelho Horse Money The End of a Love Affair Sweet Exorcist The Rabbit Hunters Sweet Exorcist Tarrafal In Vanda's Room A Girl in Summer Minino macho, Minino fêmea Horse Money Change Nothing Hovering Over the Water Cinéma, de notre temps: Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub - cinéastes Blood Ossos Historic Centre Vitalina Varela Casa de Lava Where Does Your Hidden Smile Lie? How I Fell in Love with Eva Ras The Daughters of Fire Fire of Wind Cinéma, de notre temps: Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub - cinéastes Vitalina Varela In Vanda's Room The End of a Love Affair É Tudo Invenção Nossa Change Nothing A Portuguese Farewell The 13 Roses