Ettore Scola Gian Luigi Rondi - Vita, cinema, passione Sophia Loren, a special destiny La strana coppia. Incontro con Age e Scarpelli Ettore Scola, nous l'avons tant aimé Monica Vitti, une étoile dans la nuit Monicelli: La versione di Mario Linee d'ombra RomAmor: Alberto Sordi, from Rome to the whole world Les Jours et les Nuits Voi siete qui C'era una volta il prossimamente Portrait Of My Father Vittorio racconta Gassman: Una vita da mattatore Farewell to Enrico Berlinguer Ridendo e scherzando - Ritratto di un regista all'italiana Furio Scarpelli - Il racconto prima di tutto Water and Sugar: Carlo Di Palma, the Colours of Life Vittorio D. Sophia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Alberto il grande L'ultimo gattopardo - Ritratto di Goffredo Lombardo Giovanna Cau - Diversamente giovane Enrico Lucherini - Ne ho fatte di tutti i colori The Magic of Fellini Dino Risi, le pessimiste joyeux de la comédie italienne Marcello, una vita dolce Ciao Marcello, Mastroianni l'antidivo Il segreto di Otello Anyone Can Play Cresceranno i carciofi a Mimongo The Family The Family The Family The Family The Night of Varennes Passion of Love The Night of Varennes A Special Day We All Loved Each Other So Much Le Bal Macaroni Adua and Her Friends The Voyage of Captain Fracassa Ghosts of Rome Ghosts of Rome The Voyage of Captain Fracassa Made in Italy Made in Italy The Dinner Thrilling Will Our Heroes Be Able to Find Their Friend Who Has Mysteriously Disappeared in Africa? Will Our Heroes Be Able to Find Their Friend Who Has Mysteriously Disappeared in Africa? Will Our Heroes Be Able to Find Their Friend Who Has Mysteriously Disappeared in Africa? Goodnight, Ladies and Gentlemen Ugly, Dirty and Bad Gran varietà An American in Rome A Drama of Jealousy (and other things) Let's Talk About Women The Monsters The Monsters We All Loved Each Other So Much People of Rome One Million Dollars One Million Dollars One Million Dollars What Time Is It? Two Nights with Cleopatra Two Nights with Cleopatra Unfair Competition Unfair Competition It Happened at the Police Station The Most Wonderful Evening of My Life The Most Wonderful Evening of My Life Splendor The Terrace My Name Is Rocco Papaleo The Story of a Poor Young Man The Story of a Poor Young Man Police Chief Pepe Mario, Maria and Mario Mario, Maria and Mario Mario, Maria and Mario Let's Talk About Women Let's Talk About Women Anyone Can Play Il gaucho Il gaucho The Prophet The Devil in Love The Devil in Love Il successo How Strange to be Named Federico The Magnificent Cuckold The Magnificent Cuckold Goodnight, Ladies and Gentlemen Nel blu dipinto di blu The Policeman on Horseback The Policeman on Horseback The Policeman on Horseback Festival dell’Unità 1972 The Terrace The Terrace March's Child The New Monsters The Monsters Il Sorpasso Good night… lawyer! Complexes The Bachelor Guardia, guardia scelta, brigadiere e maresciallo The Girl from Parma Mi permette babbo! Mid-Century Loves A Special Day A Special Day First Love Sex Can Be Difficult First Love I Knew Her Well Cuori nella tormenta I giorni più belli The Dinner My Name Is Rocco Papaleo Police Chief Pepe Fermi tutti... arrivo io! Le Bal The Visitor Adua and Her Friends The Visitor Una parigina a Roma Una parigina a Roma Il successo A Bookshop in Paris Il Sorpasso Il conte Max The Prophet Thrilling I cuori infranti I pappagalli 1943-1997 1943-1997 Thrilling Macaroni Passion of Love Macaroni The Story of a Poor Young Man Il silenzio è complicità Il silenzio è complicità Non sono più guaglione Puccini: La Bohème High Infidelity High Infidelity Vorrei Che Volo Vorrei Che Volo That's How We Women Are Love and Larceny My Name Is Rocco Papaleo The Devil in Love I Knew Her Well What Time Is It? What Time Is It? Ridere! Ridere! Ridere! Trevico-Torino (viaggio nel Fiat-Nam) Trevico-Torino (viaggio nel Fiat-Nam) Rome, November 12, 1994 The Spring of 2002 - Italy Protests, Italy Stops How Strange to be Named Federico Puccini: La Bohème Rosso e nero Complexes Farewell to Enrico Berlinguer March on Rome March on Rome Le pillole di Ercole A Drama of Jealousy (and other things) Totò nella Luna Ugly, Dirty and Bad At War for Love We All Loved Each Other So Much It Happened in the Penitentiary It Happened at the Police Station Il marito Splendor An American in Rome Roaring Years Lettere dalla Palestina Cavalcade of Song Half a Century of Song La bohème Spécial cinéma Midi Première