Bruno Nuytten Nathalie Granger Once Upon a Time... Tchao Pantin Nuytten/Film The Colour of Words Going Places Fort Saganne Manon of the Spring The Inquisitor Camille Claudel Camille Claudel French Postcards Double Gentlemen Barocco Behind the scenes: Last Tango in Paris Passionnément Passionnément Brubaker Albert souffre Albert souffre The Pornographer Possession Woman of the Ganges Jean de Florette Like a Turtle on Its Back L'Exercice du pouvoir Cygne II Cygne I The Musician Killer The Toilets Were Closed from the Inside French Provincial The Bronte Sisters La Pirate Life Is a Bed of Roses Invitation to Travel At Night All Cats Are Crazy So Long, Stooge The Children La Quille, bon Dieu ! The Best Way to Walk Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta désert Tristan and Isolde India Song My Heart Is Red The Lorry Gradiva: Esquisse I Zoo zéro Hotel America Detective An Assassin Passes By Marie Perrault Nulle part ailleurs Nulle part ailleurs