Nils Eklund Genombrottet Who Pulled the Plug? Peter-No-Tail in Americat Wild West Story Men Can't Be Raped Peter-No-Tail During the Journey to Melonia På palmblad och rosor Flyg-Bom Doctor Glas Around the World in 80 Days Min pappa är Tarzan Slottstappning Raskenstam Amorosa The Bookseller Who Gave Up Bathing Swedish Portraits The Day the Clown Cried The Clown Amala, Kamala Söndagspromenaden Splittring Between 11 and 12 Rooftree To Love Jack The Marriage Wrestler The White Carnation Old in Sweden A Man with a Maid Voyage to Melonia One-Week Bachelors Nisse och Greta Freud Leaving Home Jerusalem The School of Wives The Ghost Sonata Sinkadus Pojken med guldbyxorna Genombrottet Around the World in 80 Days Gubben Pettson Selmas saga