Ghita Nørby Charley's Aunt The Kingdom Going for Broke Babette's Feast Original The Olsen Gang in a Fix It's Nifty in the Navy Count Axel The Girl and the Playboy The Best Intentions Memories of a Marriage Shake It All About The Inheritance What No One Knows Baronessen fra benzintanken The Christmas Party Walter and Carlo in America Rosa and the Stone Troll Styrmand Karlsen Den grønne elevator What a Pity About Daddy Love Thy Neighbour Like It Never Was Before Jul i Skovridergaarden Life with Daddy Han, hun, Dirch og Dario People in the Sun Landsbylægen Wife on vacation Vagabonderne paa Bakkegaarden Den kære familie Peter's baby Me and Charly Wolf Hour Hamsun The Kingdom II Freud Leaving Home The Honour of the House Hip Hip Hurrah! Four Weeks in June It's a World Full of Children Flemming på kostskole Amour The Wild Swans The Wolf at the Door Family Matters Credo Your Money or Your Life Katinka Crazy Paradise Kick Me in the Traditions! A Place Nearby Oskar That Brief Summer Solens børn Bertram og Lisa Værelset O'Horten Jauja Erik Soya's 17 The Song of the Red Ruby Sin Alley The Young Have No Time Silent Heart Flagermusen Nu stiger den Frihedens pris 3 må man være Det lille hotel The Queen's Guardsman Flemming and Kvik Key House Mirror Sømand i knibe De sjove aar Hooray for the Blue Hussars Den ubetænksomme elsker Three Girls in Paris Charly & Steffen Majorens oppasser Our Home Is Our Castle Kvindesind Only the Truth Vandalism The Musketeers Hvis lille pige er du? Aarhus by Night The Girl and the Press Photographer Creation of the Kingdom of Exodus Spelar du ikväll? A Hullaballoo at the Castle Ladies Man Et dukkehjem Watch Your Back, Professor! Ghitas hemmeligheder Helligtrekongersaften Sextet Sofie Everlasting Moments Ich suche einen Mann Historien om Olsen Banden Min kone fra Paris Rikki og mændene Undskyld vi er her Danmark er lukket Smykketyven Before the Frost The Misanthrope Welcome to Verona Resin Good and Evil Ernst-Hugo Kokken Help! I'm a Fish Between a Rock and a Hard Place Louises hus God, Smell and Her Toscana Skide godt, Balling! Arsenik og gamle kniplinger The Wild Swans Bryggeren Ude på noget Vilde stemmer Dansk films bedste A Storm for Christmas Deja-vu med Frøkjær The House at Christianshavn The House at Christianshavn Pyrus: The Greatest Christmas The Guldbagge Awards ZULU Comedy Galla The Guldbagge Awards Mor er major Matador Unit One The Kingdom The Best Intentions The Eagle: A Crime Odyssey Berømte måltider Spørg Charlie Chili Klaus indtager norden Meyerheim & stjernerne