Veit Helmer Tuvalu Absurdistan Absurdistan Surprise! Baikonur Baikonur Baikonur Gondola Fiddlesticks Dushanbe With Love Hati-Hati, Malam-Malam! Tuvalu Zum Greifen nah Tuvalu Tour d'Amour Tour Eiffel The Window-Cleaner Absurdistan Gate to Heaven Gate to Heaven Hundeleben A Trick of the Light Akiko, the Flying Monkey The Bra The Bra The Bra Akiko, the Flying Monkey Akiko, the Flying Monkey Gondola Gondola Caspian Bride Uzbek Express! Once Upon a Time in Shanghai Behind the Couch: Casting in Hollywood A Trick of the Light A Trick of the Light They Call Us Aliens - Foreigners in Tokyo Dingi Dingi Deutscher Filmpreis Bayerischer Filmpreis