Issei Masamune Mobile Suit Gundam I Fight! Our Kamen Rider! The Strongest Rider, ZO is Born! Choujinki Metalder: The Movie Bats & Terry The Legend of Space Sheriff Gavan Hades Project: Zeorymer Separation Hades Project: Zeorymer Separation Hades Project: Zeorymer Extinction Transformers: Scramble City Beaten by Black Rain You're Under Arrest: The Motion Picture Battle Fever J Battle Fever J Battle Fever J Battle Fever J Battle Fever J Armored Trooper VOTOMS Armored Trooper VOTOMS Kamen Rider Superhuman-Machine Metalder Space Sheriff Sharivan Special Rescue Police Winspector Space Sheriff Gavan You're Under Arrest Fang of the Sun Dougram You're Under Arrest! 逮捕しちゃうぞ Special