Olga Khodatayeva Animated Soviet Propaganda Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka The Fire Is Burning In the Raw-Hide Tent Cinema-Circus Journal of Political Satire No. 2 The Song of Chapayev Golden Feather Fox, Hare and Rooster A Wonder Mill Little Mook Samoyed Boy Terrible Vavila and Auntie Arina Tom Thumb Tom Thumb Golden Stalks One of Many Returned Sun The Guards of the Fields Samoyed Boy Samoyed Boy Таёжная сказка The Tale of the Old Oak Tree The Brave Little Deer New Year's Eve New Year's Eve Teremok Beat the Fascist Pirates Father Frost and the Grey Wolf Sarmiko Bear Cub Fear Has Big Eyes Little Mook Terrible Vavila and Auntie Arina Terrible Vavila and Auntie Arina Organchik Organchik Little Straw Bull Три мешка хитростей