Eva Testor Women Behind the Camera Day & Night 24 Realities per Second Die Zukunft ist besser als ihr Ruf On the line - Paul Flora in the film How do we get out of this? Greece or Chicken on the Run Women Behind the Camera Shooting Women Speak Easy On the line - Paul Flora in the film Without a Trace Tightrope Tightrope To the Future through the Night On the line - Paul Flora in the film 24 Realities per Second The Fox - Traces of the Past Der Tote in der Schlucht Der Tote in der Schlucht Viva la Vulva Johanna Dohnal - Visionary of Feminism Maikäfer flieg Backstage Vienna State Opera Der Geier - Die Tote mit dem falschen Leben Der Geier II – Freund oder Feind Romy Award Romy Award