Pierre Perrault La Nuit de la poésie 28 mars 1980 15 Nov Dream Tracks The Covenant Of Whales, the Moon, and Men The Taste for Flour The Times That Are Beluga Days The River Schooners State Park The Shimmering Beast Of Whales, the Moon, and Men Acadia Acadia?!? Tickets s.v.p Un pays sans bon sens! Attiuk Attiuk Beluga Days The Land without Trees or The Mouchouânipi Of Whales, the Moon, and Men The Kiss La Pitoune Back to the Land Winter Crossing at L'Isle-Aux-Coudres On the Sea The Jean Richard The Land of Jacques Cartier Whalehead Turlutte White-Whale Hunters of Anse-Aux-Basques Soirée at St. Hilarion Winter Sealing at La Tabatière Canadian Diamonds Ka Ke Ki Ku Attiuk Cornouailles People of Abitibi The Great Obsession Ougmigmag or The Fickle Art of Documentary Filmmaking A Kingdom Awaits You Sails Lowered and Safe Harbour Icewarrior Craftsmen of Canada The Land of Jacques Cartier C'était un Québécois en Bretagne, Madame!