Paul Hagen The Olsen Gang on the Track Friends at Arms: Marching Out Walter and Carlo - Up on Daddy's Hat The Olsen Gang Outta Sight Summer in Tyrol Girls at Arms Friends at Arms Friends at Arms: On a Bear Run Friends at Arms: On Autumn Exercises Friends at Arms: Causing Mischief Frøken Nitouche The Girl and the Playboy Passer Babysitting Girls Dust on the Brain Dust for all the Money Nyhavns glade gutter Tough Guys of the Prairie The Heir Our Home Is Our Castle Bussen Den grønne elevator Love Thy Neighbour Mor bag rattet Still Dust on the Brain A Day Without Lies I kongens klæ'r Pigen og drømmeslottet The Girl and the Viscount Verdens rigeste pige Peter's baby A Sailor goes ashore Friends at Arms: Operation Camel Tag til marked i Fjordby Revolution My A.. The Return Kristiane af Marstal 6-Day Race Assassination Casanova Crazy Paradise Sparekassen - eller Når enden er god, er alting godt Barselstuen The Crumbs 3: Dad's Bright Idea The Song of the Red Ruby Come to My Bedside Henrik and Pernille Flagermusen Nøddebo præstegård Hvad med os? Bamse Det var paa Rundetaarn Father of Four It's Nifty in the Navy Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie I, A Lover Hooray for the Blue Hussars Hvad vil De ha'? Three Girls in Paris Agent 69 Jensen in the Sign of Sagittarius Bedroom Mazurka Along Came a Soldier The Olsen Gang The Olsen Gang in a Fix Majorens oppasser The Olsen Gang Long Gone The Poet and the Little Mother På'en igen Amalie Stormvarsel Sukceskomponisten Taxa K-1640 efterlyses Tre piger fra Jylland Jumpin' at the Bedside Hvis lille pige er du? Martha Mord for åbent tæppe Bedside Highway Night Girls Bedside Romance Bedside Head The Loose Tile Bedside Sailors Bedside Dentist The Girl and the Press Photographer Amour Bølle Bob Gymnasiepigen The Reluctant Sadist Jensen længe leve! Kærlighedsdoktoren Prinsesse for en dag Kys til højre og venstre Tre små piger Ta' Pelle med Danmark er lukket To skøre ho'der Selvmordsskolen Jan går til filmen The Boy Who Loved Horses Hvor der er vilje, er der vej Jeg elsker dig To skøre ho'der The House at Christianshavn Anthonsen Vinterbyøster One Big Family D.A.S.K. Bølle Bob The Gønge Chieftain Mørklægning Krummernes jul