Gheorghe Dinică White Palms Weekend with My Mother Philanthropy The Afternoon of a Torturer Why Are the Bells Ringing, Mitica? Exam The Immortals Ticăloșii Earth's Most Beloved Son With Clean Hands Revenge Golgotha Then I Sentenced Them All to Death The Tower of Pisa The Column Look Ahead with Anger Bed of Procust Contest The Punishment Orient Express Mirror Fed Up Last Night of Love The Poseidon Explosion White Trial Secretul lui Nemesis High schoolers on alert Oil The Wall Divorț... din dragoste Terente: The King of Swamps O lumină la etajul zece The Stone Cross Poor Ioanide On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube L'homme pressé Bariera Filip the Kind The nest of wasps The Great Solitary The Dacians Un petic de cer The Conjugal Bed Steps in the Sky Beyond the Sands Felix and Otilia Stephen the Great: Vaslui 1475 The Encounter The Martens Brothers The Prodigal Father A Police Inspector Calls The Secret of Bacchus We Do Not Film Just for Fun The Idle Princes of the Old Court Through the Ashes of the Empire Operation 'The Bus' The Extras The Famous Paparazzo War in the Kitchen Family Album The "S" Network A World Wihout Sky Sentimental Summer The Escape Life Like Laughing Doctor Poenaru Postcards with Wildflowers Three Days and Three Nights The Stranger Uncertain Roads The Major and Death The Premiere White Darkness Zbor periculos Comoara din Vadul Vechi Casa din vis Sindromul Timișoara Anything for Soccer Too Little for Such a Big War Inimă de țigan Aniela Regina