Rita Azevedo Gomes Life Lasts Two Days A Portuguese Film No Tempo do Cinema O Construtor de Anjos Karl Martin Principiantes Danses Macabres, Skeletons, and Other Fantasies What Now? Remind Me A Woman's Revenge Francisca The Kegelstatt Trio The 15th Stone The Kegelstatt Trio The Kegelstatt Trio Fragile as the World Correspondences Correspondences The Sound of the Shaking Earth The Sound of the Shaking Earth Altar The Conquest of Faro The Invisible Collection Altar Correspondences The Rose King Notre mariage A Woman's Revenge The Portuguese Woman The Portuguese Woman The Portuguese Woman The Portuguese Woman The Conquest of Faro Fragile as the World The 15th Stone O Construtor de Anjos The 15th Stone Altar Danses Macabres, Skeletons, and Other Fantasies The Invisible Collection The Invisible Collection Danses Macabres, Skeletons, and Other Fantasies D. Jaime ou a Noite Portuguesa Karl Martin O Ah! das coisas, 21 de Abril 2020 O Ah! das coisas, 6 de Abril 2020 o Ah! das coisas. “Nos quartos das freiras não há espelhos.” o Ah! das coisas. “Um dia voltei ao quarto…” o Ah! das coisas. o pecado de João Palolo