Danuta Szaflarska Janosik: A True Story Tango How Much Does the Trojan Horse Weigh? Two Hours Dziś w nocy umrze miasto Egzekutor This is Your New Son Aftermath Przedwiośnie Dreams Full of Smoke Listy miłosne Time to Die The Devils, the Devils The Yellow Scarf Nieznana opowieść wigilijna The Spider Women The Impossible Goodbye The Voice from Beyond Nothing Treasure Umarli rzucają cień No Matter How Hard We Tried A Week in the Life of a Man The People from the Train Before Twilight Mom and Other Loonies in the Family Queen of Clouds The Book of Great Wishes Forbidden Songs The Green Bird Korczak Another World Pożegnanie z Marią Zemsta Domek z kart Torowisko The Warsaw Debut The Alchemist and the Virgin The Issa Valley Reverse Gear Skarga Pokój dziecinny Ranczo The Doll Samochodzik and Knights Templar 5 dni z życia emeryta