Kobiece perwersje

Kobiece perwersje 1997


Dresses, lipsticks, sex - the "perversions" (and neuroses) of Eve, a young, very successful lawyer. Her days are a tightrope act between extreme eloquence and frosty toughness on the one side, and scaring vulnerability on the other. The climax of her career shall be the possibly forthcoming appointment as a judge, but this step seems to be interrupted by her kleptomanian sister Mad who is arrested after one of her raids. Eve travels to Mad's town to stand by her in the jail. Their struggle about Mad's illness evokes suppressed conflicts. Eve stays at her sister's flat where she meets a girl that fights with its budding femininity.


Jej drugie życie

Jej drugie życie 2018


Lancelot stracił żonę w wypadku samochodowym. Po tym, jak zawalił mu się świat, odkrywa, że zupełnie nie znał swojej żony.



Ben 2017




Sanctuary 2019


Hel receives an invitation to visit her estranged twin Siri at an exclusive residential sanatorium set against the idyllic setting of the Italian Alps. Tension soon rises when Hel refuses Siri’s plea for help in taking care of some business by swapping places with her for a few days. Much to her horror, Hel wakes up the next day to find Siri gone. She soon realizes that Siri isn’t coming back, and that the clinic is far from a place of recovery.