John Twist Colorado Morski pościg Helena Trojańska Zatoka aniołów Serenade Bombardier The Big Trees Najodważniejsi z Wrogów Sindbad żeglarz Sindbad żeglarz Annie Oakley Święty powraca So Big Historia FBI The Toast of New York Ryszard Lwie Serce i Krzyżowcy Potentat Too Many Girls The Navy Comes Through Men Against the Sky The Man Behind The Gun So Big! Best of the Badmen Dallas Sea Devils Santiago The Outcasts of Poker Flat Operation Secret Annapolis Salute Four Jacks and a Jill Reno Parachute Battalion Twelve Crowded Hours Next Time I Marry Four Jacks and a Jill Blockade Yellow Dust Red Morning The Great Man Votes Three Sons The Big Diamond Robbery Another Face Marines, Let's Go His Family Tree La Cucaracha Breed of Courage Hitting a New High Grand Old Girl West of the Pecos The Law West of Tombstone The Last Outlaw We Who Are About to Die Wanted: Jane Turner Wanted: Jane Turner Pacific Liner Army Surgeon Fort Worth Odległa trąbka Estera i król Flight from Glory