Rosemary Odell Ta wyspa Ziemia Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Spiral Road Pillars of the Sky Yankee Pasha The Strange Door The Brass Bottle Island of the Blue Dolphins Moment to Moment Katie Did It Wódz Szalony Koń Francis Francis Goes to the Races I Was a Shoplifter Francis Covers the Big Town Quantez Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy Larceny The Night Runner The Square Jungle Bright Victory The Lady from Texas Sally and Saint Anne Naked Alibi Abbott i Costello Ich Długie Życie Szlachetna rasa Appaloosa The Life of Riley The Story of Molly X Ride Clear of Diablo Zakole rzeki Outside the Wall Red Canyon Urodzony pod złą gwiazdą Gunsmoke The Vigilantes Return Thunder Bay Seminole The Kid from Texas Rozgrywka Reunion in Reno Law and Order Bedtime for Bonzo Curtain Call at Cactus Creek A Day of Fury The Ride to Hangman's Tree Showdown at Abilene Captain Newman, M.D. The Battle at Apache Pass The Milkman Tammy and the Doctor Hollywood Story Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff Comin' Round the Mountain Brutalna siła Abbott i Costello Wdowa z Wagon Gap City Beneath the Sea Zabić Drozda The Reluctant Astronaut The Ghost & Mr. Chicken Tanganyika The Sleeping City Outside the Law It Came from Outer Space All I Desire Toy Tiger Zaskakujący Odwet CZARNA TARCZA RODU FALWORTH Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Town Bus Riley's Back in Town Wild and Wonderful Beau Geste So This Is Paris The Lawless Breed The Fat Man Destry The All American Teksas po drugiej stronie rzeki Noc w Jericho Louisa Horizons West Border River Column South Creature from the Black Lagoon