Nancy Schreiber Women Behind the Camera November Shooting War Księga cieni: Blair Witch 2 Taka piękna katastrofa Filthy Gorgeous Eva Hesse Tab Hunter Confidential Between Us Standoff The Soft Kill Mama w opałach Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust Dziewiątki 西洋镜 Butter Nevada Scorpion Spring Sześć żon i jeden pogrzeb Possum Living Possum Living Possum Living American Gun Comedienne And the Oscar Goes To... Opowieści znad krawędzi Red Hot + Blue: A Tribute to Cole Porter Folkowy idol i zabawny gość The Celluloid Closet Woody Allen: A Documentary Moving Parts Zapomniane srebro Stranger Inside Piggy Banks Lush Life Influenza 1918 The 'M' Word Flakes Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice Silt Chain of Desire The Nearly Unadventurous Life of Zoe Cadwaulder Serena The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender Kepler's Dream Visions of Light Girls at 12 Miss Virginia Your Friends & Neighbors Trapped Alive November Niełatwa forsa Na ścieżce wojennej Dzień jak co dzień( Through the Wire The Good, The Bad, and the Beautiful Poszukiwana The Failures Słodka zemsta Mapplethorpe Scorpion Spring