Johnny Green Start Cheering Love on a Budget Radio Rhapsody Melody Magic Song Shopping M-G-M Jubilee Overture The Ballad of Billie Blue Overture to The Merry Wives of Windsor Strauss Fantasy La Gazza Ladra Overture Capriccio Italien Brigadoon I'll Cry Tomorrow Week-End at the Waldorf Cinderella Cinderella Overture to The Merry Wives of Windsor Bathing Beauty Bathing Beauty Strauss Fantasy Twilight of Honor Abbott i Costello w Legii Cudzoziemskiej Easy to Wed W poszukiwaniu deszczowego drzewa The Misleading Lady Secrets of a Secretary The Sap from Syracuse Czyż nie dobija się koni? Melody Magic Między Linami Ringu Mr. Imperium M-G-M Jubilee Overture West Side Story West Side Story Alvarez Kelly Grounds for Marriage The Inspector General Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Invisible Man Broadway Rhythm Overture to The Merry Wives of Windsor Oliver! The Great Caruso The Toast of New Orleans Parada wielkanocna Summer Stock Amerykanin w Paryżu Amerykanin w Paryżu Week-End at the Waldorf Week-End at the Waldorf Honor Among Lovers Too Young to Kiss Oliver! Oliver! Oliver! Oliver! Strauss Fantasy Strauss Fantasy The Inspector General Honor Among Lovers Za wielką wodą The Sailor Takes a Wife The Smiling Lieutenant La Gazza Ladra Overture Cynthia The Girl Habit Pepe Because You're Mine Wayward The Cobweb Wyższe Sfery Wyższe Sfery Something in the Wind Mean Justice Follow the Leader Oscary The Ed Sullivan Show Great Performances Great Performances